Nomad Internet Marketing March 2017 Issue 03 | Page 30
Heroes And Gods Are Not Just Known
For Their Feats.
Greek mythology is often associated with the
courage of heroes and gods, but it is also a
catalogue full of deception, trickery and lies. In
fact, liars are so prevalent within Greek
philosopher Plato imagined his ideal and
perfect city, he wanted to remove all poetry that
existed because of all of its representations and
ideas of cheating, lying and swindling others in
order to satisfy human needs.
The conclusion is that being a God or hero in
the world of Greek myth does not mean being
truthful not does it mean that goodness
prevails. You can get known for a whole lot of
unhelpful reasons.
On that note, perhaps the most famous liar in
Greek mythology is the story of Odysseus, the
character who features at the center of the
Homeric epic "The Odyssey," which retells of
Odysseus’ return to his homeland (the isle of
Ithaca) after the end of the Trojan War.
Odysseus was cunning and clever, so much in
fact that centuries later the Roman poet Virgil
would give him full credit for the creation of the
Trojan horse idea.
Even when Odysseus finally returns to his
own kingdom after a decade of wandering, he
still lies and dresses in the clothing of a beggar,
attempting to fool everyone including his own
wife Penelope.
There is no difference between these
famous characters and what is going on today
in the world of Marketing. Everyone is selling
themselves or selling something on or offline –
whether it be an impression of themselves or a
product/service. And of course we all want it to
be the best, we want it to look good and be
accepted and received well by our target