Nomad Internet Marketing December 2016 Issue 00 issue 00 | Page 31

Because all the work in the world is no use , if the wisdom is not behind it . The problem is , people thinks it takes too long to learn all they can before they start and so they tend to skip the full learnings / training required to be great . And if they are fully informed , they forget to update that knowledge and then stagnate .
My advice is this – if you ever stop learning or won ’ t listen to new information coming through or are too stubborn to change and upgrade all that you know – you will never master it . Mastery is in knowing that you don ’ t know and being open to new methods , new nuggets of wisdom and new advice . Stay open because nothing stays the same , everything changes .
The market changes , the approach changes , people ’ s desires are shaped by society and all of its changes and you will change too . Nothing stays the same so you must remain open and keep learning . You are an unfinished product in yourself , you will never be finished because there is always something to learn and places that you can grow and expand your knowledge base .
It ’ s a simple message but a vital one – do not get stuck in your ways no matter how much of an expert you are . You have only one axe and it is the key to your whole business – sharpen it from time to time .

See you next month !

January 2017