Nomad Internet Marketing December 2016 Issue 00 issue 00 | Page 23



Did you know that only 8 percent of people achieve their New Year ’ s resolutions ?
Did you also know that you can use scientific research to put yourself in that 8 % category ?
Here ’ s how :
Have an awesomely terrific , mind-blowingly good “ Why .”
The bigger and better your reason ‘ why ’ you ’ re doing something , and the more you keep that ‘ why ’ in front of you , the more likely you will achieve your goal .
Your reason why is your best motivational tool , bar none . Start small and work your way up . Are you a couch potato ready to run a marathon on January 1 st ?
Forget about it . Start with a 15 minute walk and work your way up to that marathon over the next few weeks or months .
Once you make it a habit , it ’ s easier to stick to and easier to gradually ramp up the effort . Focus on one thing at a time . You want to exercise daily , remodel the house , start a business , change your diet , learn a new skill and begin volunteering all in the same week ?
Forget about it . Pick your biggest , most important goal and focus on that first .
Once it becomes a habit , then start on your second goal .
In a year ’ s time , you ’ ll be astounded at what you accomplished . Blab your resolutions all over the place . Tell your family , your friends , the Internet at large , everybody .
Share your struggles and your successes , and turn your friends into your cheerleaders and accountability buddies .
Know that you ’ re going to have setbacks and be ready .
What , you ate that entire bag of chips in one sitting ? You didn ’ t work on your business for an entire week ?
Okay , this is where the men and women are separated from the boys and girls . Pick yourself up , dust yourself off , do NOT waste a second on blaming yourself and refocus on WHY you are striving to achieve this goal .
It ’ s never about how many times you fall - it ’ s always about getting up one more time . Now get back to work . Want to get in shape ? Then put your money on the line .
People who have a financial incentive to lose weight tend to lose 14 more pounds than those who don ’ t .
Try http :// www . gym-pact . com / - attain your goals and you ’ ll make money .
Don ’ t get in shape and you ’ ll pay .