The first of these features is the ability to " like " people ' s comments through a little heart-shaped icon that will appear next to each of these . According to the developers , this new functionality has as a main objective to promote positivism in the whole community of this social network .
In their official blog it was also informed that in the coming days it will be possible to deactivate comments in any publication that is made , functionality that was previously only available to a selected number of premium accounts , but now will be available to everyone .
Apart from the previous one , another new option that Instagram will offer is the power to remove followers in the private accounts . At the moment , if the user approved a follower and repented , he / she only had the blocking option . From now on , users can directly delete the followers by going to their list of followers and entering the menu of the three points ( located next to the name of any person ) and delete it .
1 . Start putting aside the work goals .
2 . Learn to set limits , try to stop working every day at the same time without taking into account the tasks you are doing .
3 . Remember that there is nothing bad in liking to work , the problem is that the fight for the work objectives might be the only thing that motivates you in life . You have to be able to look for other alternatives to feel motivated , such as hobbies , spending time with family or simply doing something relaxing .
4 . Do not take any homework . No matter how important it may be , working hours should be limited and everything should be done in its time and place .
5 . Do not mix your personal life with the professional , you must do everything possible to differentiate between both worlds .
6 . Find every day a few minutes for you only . It can be about 20 minutes to read a few chapters of a book , have a coffee or watch TV .
7 . Force yourself to work until a certain time and never exceed it . If you are one of the people who ends up dining at the office , start shortening the time slowly until you end up leaving at a reasonable time . It is best to finish at 6:30 p . m . or 7:00 p . m . to get some time before dinner .
8 . Be firm and not look at anything that has to do with work once you decide to take a break .
9 . Try Pilates or yoga to activate the muscles and reduce all tensions . You can also take a few minutes to walk , sit on a bench and or simply observe people . If you think that work is everything you have and what matters the most and none of these ways could help you , neither some other ways that you have tried on your own , you should consult a professional .