Computer & Technology Assistance
If you’re having a technological problem, contact UHWO IT’s services. UHWO’s IT Service Center is the primary
location for Distance Learning students to receive technical assistance.
Technical assistance is available on topics such as:
Using Information Commons workstations
Accessing UHWO’s wireless network
General assistance on UHWO course-related technology questions
For in-depth questions, an IT request will be submitted on behalf of the requester for IT staff follow-up. As a UH
student, you can also visit your nearest UH campus to receive assistance. Before you leave to seek out
assistance, we recommend calling your nearest UH campus to see what the hours our of your nearest respective
Please feel free to contact the UHWO IT Service Desk for questions or concerns with IT help.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (808) 689-2411
Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Our IT department is staffed with IT staff and student assistants, and they are always will ing to help to assist you
to the best of their ability.