Office and Resources
For any questions on how to use Laulima, Blackboard
Collaborate, or other programs created for your courses,
please contact one of the three staff members in the
Distance Education Office.
Some of the services the Office of Distance Education are
as follows:
Assisting Distance Learning students with
navigating Laulima and LMS within the UH system
Provide assistance for Distance Learning students
with Blackboard Collaborate
Present “Quality Matters” workshops
For questions about to Google Mail, Google Calendar, or
Google Docs, you can also contact the Distance Education
The mission of the Office of Distance Learning is to ensure
that all students have access to and experience
quality learning in their online courses.
The Office of Distance Learning was established to
support the growing needs of students, faculty, and staff
involved with online and hybrid courses.
Sharla Hanaoka
[email protected]
Rian Barreras
[email protected]
Samantha Won
[email protected]