No'eau Center - Distance Learning 1.0 | Page 3

 NO’EAU CENTER TUTORING CAMPUS RESOURCES Dr. Robyn Tasaka Dr. Robyn Tasaka is the tutor coordinator at the No’eau Center, UH-West O’ahu’s learning and testing center. The No’eau Center assists DE students in tutoring services. ACADEMIC ADVISING Larry Andres Larry is UH-West O’ahu’s academic advisor, transferstudent coordinator. He works with DE students to assist them in planning their academy courses towards graduation. DISTANCE EDUCATION OFFICE Sharla Hanaoka Sharla manages the DE Office at UH-West O’ahu and works closely with faculty and staff to ensure a superior experience for DE students. The University of Hawaii-West O’ahu is proud to offer an array of resources for its Distance Learning students. Our campus offers academic advising for students to ensure the correct courses are completed to reach graduation. UH-West O’ahu also offers tutoring services for students in all-subject areas. If students are not able to make it to campus to sit with a tutor, students are able to receive help online. The No’eau Center is the learning center on campus and offers online writing feedback and phone-conferring as well as distance interactive tutoring through Blackboard Collaborate and Skype. Our Distance Education office provides informative workshops for students needing help navigating Laulima, Google Docs, and Google Calendar. The UH-West O’ahu library services assist Distance Learning students by providing guidance for students in their researching stage. Librarians are provide students resources to develop their researching skills. IT services provide support for Distance Learning students by offering support and guidance for students with technical support questions and Laulima questions. Distance Learning students can also purchase textbooks from our UHWO Bookstore through its online website. Students are also able to join the UH-West O’ahu DE Club. This student club provides peer-support for students enrolled in DE courses. TESTING If you need to take a quiz, test, exam or assessment at a testing site for one of your UH courses. You can utilize any UH affiliated testing center. Just be sure to contact your respective testing center for hours of operation and appointment.