Noble Use Of Money Noble Use Of Money | Page 64

54 Noble Use of Money From Dada’s Heart ! I have received an overwhelming number of letters from people and it is difficult to address them all. There will be others who will take care of the printing. For the time being we will distribute these books of Akram Vignan, for free the first time around. Then other people will take care of printing additional ones. Right now it is important to keep this Gnan alive, which is why it is critical to get all this information out so at least someone will benefit. That is why it must be put in print. Later on someone will come along and take on the responsibility of additional printing. There is nothing mandatory here. Here we do not have any laws. ‘No law’ is the Law here. Bliss Is To Let Go Of That Which You Love The Most When will you experience unending bliss? It will happen when you let go of the one thing in this world, which you love the most. In worldly matters, what is that? Money. People have excessive affection for money. Just let it go and let it flow. Only then will you find that the more you let go of it, the more it will come to you. Then I say, “Let it flow even more.” Bliss remains when you let go of that which you love the most. The Path of Liberation A man was giving away his everything. He asked me where the path of liberation was. I told him, “This is the path! What else can be the path of moksha? Whatever one has, to give it all up for moksha, is the path. That is the path of liberation.” Ultimately you will have to give up everything, will you not? Is there anyone who has been able to get by without doing so? What do you think? Whatever you have, give it all away. Give it towards a higher cause; towards Moksha. Or give towards a cause that grants Knowledge (real) to those seeking liberation. To give towards these causes, is the path to liberation. Jai Sat Chit Anand