Noble Use Of Money Noble Use Of Money | Page 63

Noble Use of Money 53 this is your own overdraft (punyas for next life); I have nothing to do with it. All I am doing is helping you put it to good use. In this life you are reaping the benefits of what you gave in your past life. It is not because of your intelligence, it is because of your punya. You can only reap you have sown! Charity For Gnandaan Here we are only printing books and we are certain that we will acquire financing for it. There are nimits for this and they will show up in due time. We do not have to call on people and ask for money, besides if we ask them for money they will feel bad and may even be taken aback if we tell them how much money is needed. In our path, the cardinal rule is that we hurt no one, and if that happens, then we have overstepped our boundaries. We cannot ask for anything from anybody. We can only take their money if they give willingly. We can only accept a person’s money if he understands gnandaan. So those who have given thus far have all given with the understanding of gnandaan. They give of their own volition. We have never asked anyone for it. Your money will shine if it is used to print these books of Gnan, but this will only happen if you have the punya. The books only get printed if the money is good money. If it is not, the circumstances for printing them will never arise and the books will never be printed. There Is No Competition Here There is no need to compete either. There is no competition here as to who makes the highest pledge. There is no such competition where the enlightened Lords, the vitaragas are concerned. It is only because of the current time cycle that people have brought the competition in charity. Competition is a dangerous disease. People engage in keen rivalry. We do not have such characteristics here. Money is not solicited here.