Noble Use Of Money Noble Use Of Money | Page 54

44 Noble Use of Money Dadashri: Yes, the father is free to do whatever he wants with his money. He should do that while he is alive! Our path instructs us to keep separate whatever wealth we create from what we inherited. We are free to spend what we created, so that we can reap the rewards in our next life. After this Gnan, you still have one or two more lives and you will need merit karmas! Do we not take food with us when we go on a long trip? Questioner: If you remain a trustee, a ‘knower-seer’, then is there a limit for carrying forward? Dadashri: It is best to remain a trustee. But not everyone can do that. To be a trustee means to remain a knower and observer. A person cannot remain as a trustee completely, but he can, up to a point, if that is his intention. Dadashri: How much should one leave behind for the children? A father should give to his children what his own father gave to him. If he received nothing from his father, he should give at least something to his children. If the children have too much luxury, can they not become decadent? Questioner: Yes, they can. Should we give them just enough so they use it constructively and not waste it away? Dadashri: Yes you should give only that much. Questioner: Too much luxury will ruin them. Dadashri: Yes, it will ruin their liberation for sure. It is best to keep within the limits. To give excessively, is a crime. All foreigners understand this. How smart they are! Indians on the other hand, have a tendency towards greed that lasts seven generations! They have expectations of what children of the seventh generation should have! Our obligation towards our children should only extend as far as helping them settle in their