Noble Use of Money
Dadashri: There are people who, despite giving charity,
go to hell. That is because they give under pressure, they do not
give willingly. In this current time cycle, people do not have the
kind of money needed to make a true donation. The wealth of
the current time cycle is from dreadful deeds, and so donations
made with this money, on the contrary, causes more harm.
Nevertheless it is still better to give to a needy person than give
just for the sake of giving. What is the use of giving for fame and
prestige? Feed and clothe the people in need. In this time cycle,
where will you find honest money for donations? Here it would
be better to improve your thoughts than to give charity. Where
can one acquire honest wealth when there is none? Whatever
honest wealth there is, does not last. Today, large donations are
made with ‘black’ money. Nevertheless, even though the money
is illicit, it is not considered wrong because, although the donor
acquired it through illicit means, he is donating it towards a good
cause. This frees him from his sins. Whatever he sows he will
reap! At least he will reap some fruits for the seeds he sows!
Questioner: There is a verse in a spiritual song, “A
smuggler tries to free himself through a token donation given as
a cover up.” On the one hand he smuggles goods and on the
other, he gives to charity. Will he gain any benefits?
Dadashri: No, he will not gain anything and in fact that
is a sign of going to hell. Those are considered thieving
tendencies. It would be better for a smuggler to live an honest
life and give nothing to charity, than to smuggle and give a token
donation. What is the point in taking a prisoner out to a park
just for one day when he is serving a life long sentence?
The smugglers and the black-marketers give large
donations to protect their reputation. This is called ‘token
Questioner: So are there no virtuous people today?