Noble Use Of Money Noble Use Of Money | Page 36

26 Noble Use of Money Violence In Business Practices Questioner: Is it considered violence (hinsa) if a businessman makes a lot of profit but does not give adequate compensation to his workers, or if he himself makes money without working? Dadashri: That is all a practice of violence. Questioner: If a person accumulates wealth in this way and spends it towards religion, what kind of violence is that? Dadashri: Whatever he gives towards religion, whatever he sacrifices, will lessen his liability by that much. If he were to make one hundred thousand rupees and give eighty thousand towards the construction of a hospital, then he would no longer be responsible for that amount. He would only be liable for twenty thousand rupees. Questioner: Is it violence when one hoards money? Dadashri: That is considered violence. To hoard is violence because others are deprived of their share. It Goes, The Way It Cameā€¦ Everything carries on in the name of God and religion! Questioner: When a person gives charity, he gives in good faith, but how does he know whether the person in charge is carrying out his responsibility? Dadashri: If your money is not good, then it will go towards a bad cause. Honest money will go towards a good cause and dishonest money will go towards a bad cause! Stealing Large Amounts and Making Token Donations Questioner: Many people say that by giving charity, one becomes a deva (celestial being). Is that true?