hanichim do not need to load up the campsite onto their backs each day, as
our hiking trip provider - Tzukim -meet them every night with their
belongings at the designated campsites along the way. Today they hiked
Nahal Moran from Homema, stopping at En Niria, and continuing to En
Hotam in Nahal Kzivand concluding in Al Kush. Tomorrow, they are
looking forward to rapelling off near by cliffs.
If you want to absorb the awesome etgar (challenge) that our hanichim are
embarking upon, take out your map of Israel and trace a line from the
Kinneret, on the north-eastern border of Israel to the Mediterranean Sea,
the western border of Israel. They are experiencing the wonders of
northern Israel by foot, appreciating the abundance of natural beauty that
exists in this relatively small expanse of land between Israel's borders.
Breathtaking views from mountain peaks, patches of colorful wild flowers
and nights sleeping under a canopy of starry skies guided the hanichim
through their tiyul. The tiyul experience represents a very important part
of being and living in Israel as it enables one to interact with the land in a
natural and physical way, not to mention that hiking has become a popular
past time in modern day Israel.
July 24
We are happy to report that all of our
Etgar groups are back in Jerusalem.
The feedback has been excellent with
everyone returning eager to get back
to their kvutzot and daily routine.
Yesterday we informed you that our
program for Friday has changed, and
that we will be visiting theIsrael
Museum (including the Big Bambu'
structure/exhibit) and the brand new
Teddy Park in the Mamilla neighborhood. In addition, every kvutzah will
be engaged in an activity to support the current defense operation such as
making shiva calls to families of soldiers killed in the fighting, purchasing