discounts and freshness it offers. The hanichim participated in a
leadership challenge experience, doing something they are good at
throughout the Shuk (helping someone with their bags, washing
dishes in a restaurant) all in Hebrew.
July 17
Following yesterday's visit to Neot Kedumim, the hanichim put
what they learned about leadership into action during our second
day of the Leader Within unit. Today Seminar participants built
and implemented a fantastic Tzedakah Fair for the 200 young
children who are taking part in the Ramah Jerusalem Day Camp.
The booths were abundant, as was the "Saarei Safta" - grandma's
hair, known in English as cotton
candy. In addition to the fun had
by the kids at the day camp, our
Seminarniks raised significant
funds to be donated. The
discussion of where to donate the
collected funds will include
learning about various charities
and a life lesson in allocation of
funds as they decide how to
divide them up among the many
worthwhile possibilities. We had
a special visitor, Rabbi Steven
Wernick, CEO of the United
Synagogue of Conservative
Following the fair, each group continued to Yemin Moshe to visit
this amazing neighborhood, as well as explore the impact a leader
can make - a leader such as Moses Montefiore. Montefiore founded
the first neighborhood outside of the Old City in 1858, for whom is
named, Yemin Moshe, Mizkeret Moshe and the Ohel Moshe
neighborhoods. Moses Montefiore used his person [