Soon after, we made our way to our Jerusalem base, the Goldstein
Youth Village. Everyone
settled in to our new home
and began to get used to
our new surroundings.
Following dinner this
evening, there will be a
meeting with the most well
known Israeli rap artist,
Shaanan Street, of the rap
group, Hadag Nachash (The
dog is a snake). We will
learn from Shaanan, a
Jerusalem native, how
music can be used as a catalalyst for social change. This meeting is
an introduction to our unit on Manhigut-Leadership, on Wednesday
and Thursday.
July 16
Last night we had a great program with Shaanan Street from Hadag
Nachash. One of our parents rightly pointed out that we had
mistranslated this as the Dog is a Snake when in actuality dag is fish
so the correct translation is The Fish is a Snake. Shaanan explained
the origin of the name. New drivers in Israel must post a sign on the
back of their car that states: "Nahag Hadash"-New driver. He
played with the letters and the sounds and created a jumble that
came out - הדג נחשHadag Nachash.
Seminar participant Noah Chaikof (Kvutzat Agnon-Ramah Canada)
shared his impressions of the event:
Last night, the entire seminar program had the opportunity to
participate in a Q&A session with the
lead singer of the musical group Hadag Na