"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 76

Noah Etnographic District Landscape and agricultural experience Urban agriculture Typical gardens and vineyards of each Amenian region will deine the landscape in the Noah Ethnographic District, creating a new form of cultivation in the city, an urban agriculture. Urban agriculture can be considered not only as a tool for environmental re-qualiication of open spaces in the city, ensuring a high quality of green spaces in terms of care and variety, but also a social, convivial, educational, therapeutic and economic tool. The are many environmental beneits in urban agriculture, ranging from CO2 reduction to biodiversity protection, from urban climate regulation to the mitigation of heat islands to the simple puriication of the air we breathe. Increasing attention to health and to the quality of food, a phenomenon that afects more and more people, is relected in a reduction in food disorders with subsequent reduction of public spending on the health sector. The orchards will also carry out an educational function through thematic pavilions where teaching lessons will be held for schools visiting the agricultural park, as well as professional seminars with training courses on cultivation techniques. No less important is the “orthotherapy” project that provides rehabilitation of gardening and gardening for people with disabilities. 76 Urban agriculture