"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 77

Concept Vision Development “Agrihood”, the social agriculture Thematic orchards Agrihoods, the so-called community gardens, are a reality that is increasingly taken into account for social wellness and the improvement of district dynamics. In fact, as well as producing and distributing food and jobs in the district, the gardens will become the primary means of building a sense of conviviality and community, that is often lost. The semi-public gardens can become real aggregation spaces for diferent social groups and generations, as well as an instrument for actively sensitizing the inhabitant of the district in the context where they live. Working speciically on a space, the inhabitants perceive the land as a common beneit that is safeguarded and protected. The ability to self-produce fruits and vegetables of controlled origin, or to buy it at a notably lower price, can inally become a reality, signiicantly reducing the food expenses. When the economic component becomes relevant, the added value of a rediscovered tradition that has been passed for generations is evident; the food can be grown and cooked as in the old Armenian tradition, allowing not only inhabitants and fascinated tourists, but also Armenians living elsewhere to get back in touch with their heritage. 77