"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 48

Noah Etnographic District Master Plan anatomy Key diagram Magnet / Polarities Sectors The main strategy, behind our Noah Ethnographic District scheme, is to engage the visitors of the Dalma Garden Mall creating a new plaza (over the south parking of the mall) and a pedestrian connection to the Tolerance Square, crossing a Green Corridor of vineyards and fruit trees that brings the Armenian landscape into the scheme. The main polarities of the scheme are the public spaces. The inhabitants of the district could beneit from the public open spaces and the Green Corridor. The new Dalma Garden Mall square will connect the lows coming from the Mall with the Tolerance Square, the beating heart of the entire District. The Noah Ethnographic District would be divided into 3 thematic sectors that follow the characteristics of the three most important geographic regions of Armenia (as previously deined). The buildings which border the Tolerance Square will have many public functions, including a showcase of typical products of the diferent regions. 48 Main Public Space Tolerance Square Public Buildings / Regional Product Show-Room Main Access Dalma Garden Square Sector 1: Dry Highlands Region Green Corridor Green Corridor Sector 2: Ararat Valley Region Sight on Mount Ararat Sector 3: Forest Mountain Region