"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 47

Concept Vision Development 6. Project proposal Approach The Noah Project allows for a more ambitious approach to just a Master Planning, landscaping and building design. Ethnographic District represents the chance to create a signiicant relationship between Armenia’s values and traditions and Yerevan population and tourist, developing enriching opportunities for both, in terms of growth and social- environment sustainability. Noah Ethnographic District A series of concentric circles intersected by their own rays, that set the Master Plan street axis, creating a system of streets neatly intersected. Two main pedestrian routes - conceived as shopping streets - cross the district connecting visitors from Tsitsernakaberd Highway and the Dalma Garden Mall to the Tolerance Square. An elevated square, that overlies the south car parking adjacent to the back- side entrance of the Mall, inviting the many visitors coming out of Dalma Garden Mall to go along the Noah’s shopping streets, attracted by the scent of local traditional foods, coming into contact with the colourful workshops of Armenian craftsmen. Moving along the streets of the district, visitors will ind residences, shops, restaurants, meadows and vineyards divided into 3 Sectors that will relect the main geographic regions of Armenia. Adhering to existing orography, our scheme is characterized by a constant slope that converges the visitors to the Tolerance Square, also guaranteeing every inhabitant to enjoy the panoramic view to Mount Ararat. A green belt of vineyards and fruit trees, breaks the geometry of the scheme, connects the surrounding landscape and creates a green cycle and pedestrian path. The 3 Sectors, deined by their radial pedestrian routes, merge at the Tolerance Square. The plaza is surrounded by buildings that depict the main public functions such as museums, hotels and casinos, etc.. At the culmination of the s