No Tricks, Just Treats Oct. 2021 | Page 34


get a good scare are classic movie thrillers. I have compiled a list of really scary movies and some really funny slashers. There isn’t necessarily a order just a bunch of movies that I think are worth your time.

Nightmare on Elm Street

This movie is often regarded as one of the greatest horror movies of all time. So, yes, I recommend it, especially if you haven’t seen it. If you have, watch it again, there is so much about this movie that it's often easy to miss the small details.

The Thing

This movie is one of my all time favorite movies because of its historical significance to the themes it presented as horror. Primarily the ambiguity and the many questions left for the viewer. I would recommend it just by its animatronics and models on their own but the cinematography and oddness as a whole are just cherries on top.

The Mist

This movie is a wild ride. The idea is that on a random day to the grocery store a man and his son are trapped in an unknown storm of monsters. The mist is a horrific storm that contains crazy animals and demons, the movie is a great action flick that also has themes of the primal instinct we all enter when we are close to death. As much as we want to be heroes, when death is around the corner, our answer will be our immediate fear.

Night of the Living Dead (and Dawn)

Some of the oldest zombie movies you’ll find. And its not good because it is old but just because of the authenticity that went into the special effects. The different head explosions and iconic kills go crazy for 50 to 40 year old movies.


Scream is the hallmark slasher film that pretty much started all the really bad 2000s horror films. And it could only do that by being as popular and great as it is.


s we approach the coming of Halloween we need to enjoy ourselves best we can in this spooky time. One of the best ways to