lood sucking creatures that are deadly allergic to steel and garlic, where did they come from?
Archeologists throughout the years have discovered buried corpses that were buried with steel blocks in their mouths to prevent the corpses from “coming back from the dead”. There are famous places around the world like Transylvania, Romania where stories of Vampires have originated from like Dracula. Dracula is a not so fictional creature that lives in a castle and eats people according to the Romanian author, Bram Stoker. He did not intend Dracula to be fictional, even though the characters were people in his life, he wanted to warn people of a “childhood fear that is all too real”. Vampires have made an appearance in thousands of stories and will continue to make people get those goosebumps.
Vampires have played major roles in books, tv shows, movies, music, plays and more. Most archaeologists think the origin of vampires came from a misunderstanding of the disease tuberculosis or a misunderstanding of how human bodies decompose. As a body decomposes, flesh will dry and shrink and teeth may appear larger, internal organs will also start to rot and decompose which leads to fluid and blood oozing out of the mouth. Archeologists believe people saw bodies in these conditions and came up with the conclusion that the bodies came back from the dead to eat people.