host stories have been around for centuries, whether you believe in the paranormal or not, it is a fact that more of
may not make sense to their brain so they may come to the conclusion that the unbelievable is reality. While everyone has their personal beliefs, it is known the belief of ghosts have played a big part in many people's lives, and grief processes. There are cultures who celebrate their dead and their lives with food, music and community. The belief that their loved ones are among them unites families and communities. Ghosts can have a positive effect on communities but it can also be quite terrifying for others. Oftentimes this belief can bring people anxiety and fear that something bad will happen to them, their safety feels jeopardized and it can be uncomfortable living like this for long periods of time. Some people may have hallucinations and may not be able to realize it isn't real. This belief can be confusing for many people especially medical professionals but this confusion has been around for centuries.
the current population is starting to believe in the unbelievable. According to a Harris poll, 42% of Americans believe in paranormal activity or claim to have experienced something paranormal. Many more people recently have shown to believe in paranormal activity, it is believed there is a rise in those beliefs since the medieval ages. Some people describe a ghost as a non materialistic being that linger among the living. The belief of your soul living past death has been part of every major ancient civilization. While it's not clear when the first beliefs were discovered, it is known that this belief played a big role in major religions and cultures that are still being practiced today. Psychology researchers from around the world have found people have unusual encounters that logically