No Signals Volume II | Page 11

I took 2 months off from studying before I got back into the routine of keeping my brain fresh and sharp on what I've learned from seven years of college. I’ve grown to really like that routine of studying or focusing on a particular subject for about three months straight only to break the fourth month to start it all over again.

When I was in school I knew what I wanted the end result to be and understood what I was learning as I applied the various theories, analysis, and ideas to my assignments. It was rewarding, intense, tough, and fulfilling all at the same time.

I believe it was a mixture of discipline and the joy I get from actually learning something that I'm interested in. As soon as I walked across the stage to get that Master’s degree, I thought, ok Steven, it's time to take it to the next level and find a way to use everything you've learned all these years to apply it to your career field and life.

Man oh man I've learned so much and I know there's much more to learn. I have so many ideas and perspectives, yet there are so many challenges in today's society, how can I tackle all of these areas and keep my sanity. Wait, wait, wait, you don't. Just pace it.

2 months are up and I'm going over one of my graduate school text books. I'm practicing my craft, attempting to study without a test in sight, correcting myself as if my work is unacceptable, no rush, there's nothing to turn in. 3 months passes by and I've done more than I thought I would

do after completing grad school. Not bad Steven, so what's next?

NSV II / April, 2017 11

Take it to the next level