NJ Cops | Page 73

Ask the Physician Frank Fish, MD, FACC = = = Attending Cardiologist, Cardiology Department at Deborah Heart and Lung Center, answers your question: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Q: My doctor told me I am on the borderline for high blood pressure, at 140 over 80. What do these = = = = = = = = = numbers mean, and what do I need to do to keep my blood = = = = = = pressure under control? = = = = = = = = = = = =~Marc = M., Ewing = = the = = top blood = = pressure = = = = while = = heart = is A: Marc, (systolic) occurs the = = and ejecting = = = the = arteries; the bottom blood contracting blood into pressure the heart= is =relaxing between =beats. = (diastolic) == ==occurs= = while = == = = = = = I start my patients with a general goal of=systolic blood pressure = = = = 130 = = = = == = = = = = = == or less and a diastolic 80 The single most = = == =blood = =pressure = or less. = = = = = = == == important thing one can do to help control high blood pressure = = = = = = is = = = = = = = == = to restrict =sodium intake to less =than 2,500 mg per= 24= hours.= = = = = = = = = = = = = == =must = = be very One to = = diligent == = about =reading = = labels. = = = Say goodbye = = = salt shakers, potato chips, popcorn, salted nuts and pretzels, = = = = = = = = canned= soups, processed foods drinks. If your physician = == = = and salty = = = = = prescribes it often = = =an antihypertensive = = = = = medication, = = = = please = = =realize == = takes time= to=adjust= to a lower=– but healthier – blood pressure; give = = = = == = == = = == = = = your =body time to adjust. If perceived side effects persist, discuss = = = = == = = = == = = = = == options Alternative, more easily tolerated = = with = your =physician. = = = = = medications are available. = == = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = Contact Deborah’s scheduling department for an evaluation by calling 800-555-1990 or visiting www.demanddeborah.org, and watch “Meet Dr. Fish” at www.demanddeborah.org/physician/fish-frank-h/. www.njcopsmagazine.com ■ JULY 2016 73