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Superfoods : Perfect for summer - or anytime !

Like most people , you ’ ve probably heard the term “ superfoods .” Exceptionally nutritious and healthful , superfoods contain powerful ingredients that help reduce – and , in some cases , reverse – your risk of heart disease , lower your cholesterol , improve hypertension and fight cancer and other diseases . Superfoods support a longer , improved quality of life and even put you in a better mood – plus , an added bonus of these “ real ” foods : They are delicious !
Here are just a few of those superfoods readily available in your supermarket – and at your local farmstands – that you can add to your daily diet for a super-healthy summer :
• Blueberries : Often the top choice of doctors and nutritionists , these berries are loaded with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids , and are also high in potassium and vitamin C . Lowering your risk of heart disease and cancer , blueberries also work powerfully against inflammation , the initial driver of all chronic diseases .
• Asparagus : Packed with lots of vitamins and minerals , this superfood has plenty of positive effects on the body , which , together , help you lose weight . Asparagus assists your body in expelling toxins and other wastes , also helping with digestion and keeping those beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract .
• Strawberries : Given their amazing combination of phytonutrients , it ’ s not surprising to find increasing research interest in the antiinflammatory properties of strawberries . The polyphenols in strawberries show promise in helping regulate blood sugar response . And when total antioxidant capacity is measured , strawberries rank high .
• Broccoli : We ’ d be remiss if we didn ’ t include broccoli on this list – your grandma was right ; broccoli really is good for you . With an abundance of nutrients per serving , broccoli is also packed with fiber , so it helps keep your digestive tract healthy .
• Apples : Low in all those things you want them to be – calories , fat and sodium – they ’ re packed full of antioxidants , especially vitamin C . Apples have a low glycemic index and soluble fiber , which helps lower cholesterol levels . The fiber also helps keep you feeling full and keeps things moving along digestively .
• Cinnamon : This gem of an herb helps to regulate blood sugar levels ; thanks to the natural compound polyphenol , it staves off hunger signals and can actually help you lose weight . Cinnamon also helps reduce nausea , and serves as an anti-inflammatory .
• Walnuts : Containing alpha-linoleanic acid ( ALA ), a type of Omega-3 fatty acid , this superfood offers increased heart health when you enjoy just a small handful a day !
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