NJ Cops | Page 55

Mendham Borough Local 384 lights up Little League field

More than 800 ballplayers , parents and local residents were in for a surprise at the Little League Baseball Opening Day Ceremony in Mendham Borough on April 16 , when Mendham Borough Local 384 members unveiled a new LED scoreboard the Local purchased for the baseball field .
“ The kids just absolutely loved it ,” noted Local 384 State Delegate Christopher Irons . “ These Little Leaguers are between 10 and 13 years old and are at a very influential age , so it ’ s great that they can look up and see we bought them the scoreboard .”
In 2013 , the Local was brainstorming ways to further its community outreach to specifically target the younger generations .
“ We were thinking about what to give to the kids to make them feel like they can approach us and that we ’ re their friends ,” explained Irons . “ Every time kids are playing ball they will be reminded that we gave something back to them .”
The Local had to choose between purchasing the standard option or raise enough money to purchase the $ 30,000 full color , 10-foot high , LED display .
“ We decided not to do a lot of things over the next few years but to do this one thing right ,” explained Irons .
Local 384 members pitched the idea at a town council meeting and the two organizations joined forces to obtain construction permits , zoning approval and select the scoreboard ’ s location .
“ We didn ’ t want to put it up and have one resident complain about it being too high or an eye sore ,” acknowledged Irons .
The Local worked to fundraise through its annual golf outing , beefsteak dinners and general mailers . After collecting all of the funds , the scoreboard was built and delivered in eight weeks .
Morris County Park Police Sergeant and former Local 264 State Delegate Chris Boyko owns an electrical company and provided a huge cost savings to the Local by donating his time and resources to connect the scoreboard .
The flashiest part of the scoreboard is its ability to act as a message center . At the ceremony , Irons played a two-minute movie welcoming everyone to Mendham Borough Park with pictures of an American flag , home run explosions and fireworks .
“ We got a lot of positive feedback and plan to use it again for the town ’ s big Labor Day celebrations ,” stated Irons . “ After three years of work , the end result is absolutely rewarding . It ’ s quite a project to undertake but it made us more approachable , and connected us better as a community .” d
Mendham Borough Local 384 members purchased this plaque and mounted it to a rock directly under the scoreboard to explain the history for future generations .
Mendham Borough Local 384 members stand below the scoreboard the Local purchased for Mendham Borough Park . Members include ( from left ) Sergeant Joseph Pirillo , member Joseph Farry , Chief Pasquale Libertino , Local 384 President Christopher Gobbi , Local 384 State Delegate Christopher Irons , Local 384 Vice-President Lee Barnes and Sergeant Patrick McNichol .
www . njcopsmagazine . com ■ JULY 2016 55