NJ Cops | Page 34

Josh Gottheimer thanks the NJ State PBA and its 33,000 members for the endorsement of his campaign. SUPPORT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 33 already-allocated federal grants for regional counterterrorism taskforces, the COPS program, DHS training and resources to combat lone wolf terrorists. “I know it’s not easy to be in law enforcement right now,” acknowledged Gottheimer. “We need to invest in law enforcement to make sure you always have the equipment and training to do your job. (The) horrific attack in Orlando reminded us that in an idyllic place, no matter what it looks like, there’s always a looming threat.” Congressman Bill Pascrell (D-9th District), Paramus Mayor Rich LaBarbiera, Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino and Bergen County Executive James Tedesco were also on hand with the PBA to support the candidate. Perhaps the most impactful pillar of support came from the Bergen County Conference, which saw 150 members from various Locals attend. “When we first took over and started our Political Action Committee we spent each and every month trying to get members involved,” recalled NJ State PBA Executive Vice-President Marc Kovar. “It’s easy on a nice, beautiful day not to show up, but we had hundreds of off-duty officers here and almost every (State) Delegate from Bergen County. So it’s really my dream coming to fruition to see our guys believing in President Colligan and myself.” Finding politicians to back and attending endorsement ceremonies is just the first step to electing the right officials in November. “Members have to get on the phones and start talking to all their friends and tell them that Josh Gottheimer and whoever supports us are the people we want in office,” stressed Kovar. “You have to spread the message. Bergen County took the lead and now we have to get the rest of the state behind Bergen County’s model.” Bergen County Conference Chair Joseph Biamonte thanked his members for showing up and urged them to continue to stay involved in the political scene. “When I took over last year I stood firm on forming the relationships necessary to protect our families and Bergen County gets it,” noted Biamonte. “We will continue to support the people who support us and today is just the beginning for the next election. Let’s stay focused, stay the course and continue to protect the people that protect our families and us.” Election season is right around the corner and the State PBA wants all of its members to stay informed and log the man-hours to inform family and friends. “We’re going to have boots on the ground for Josh and candidates throughout the state,” proclaimed Colligan. “We’re not asking for hundreds of hours; we’re asking that if they can give us a day or two or three, we’ll take it.” d 34 NEW JERSEY COPS ■ JULY 2016