NJ Cops | Page 33

More than 150 NJ State PBA members supported Democrat Josh Gottheimer for Congress to unseat incumbent Representative Scott Garrett , who voted against the funding for the Zadroga Act in December 2015 .

Support for those who support us

The NJ State PBA and Bergen County Conference unite to endorse Josh Gottheimer for Congress ’ 5th District

NJ State PBA President Patrick Colligan let Representative Scott Garrett ’ s ( R-5th District ) press releases from his past 13 years in office speak for themselves at the endorsement ceremony for opposing Democratic candidate Josh Gottheimer on June 20 .
Outside the Paramus Police Department before a crowd of 150 State PBA members , Colligan read aloud Garrett ’ s press release from Sept . 11 , 2012 :
“ The wounds we endured that day both physical and mental will never fully heal ,” it read . “ Firefighters , police officers , EMTs and everyday citizens who jumped into action motivated by the spirit to serve and protect their fellow man with their own lives on the line ran into the buildings and toward the fire and flames , many of whom paid the ultimate sacrifice for their bravery and we are eternally grateful for them .” Colligan emphasized those words would soon ring hollow . “ That eternity ended on Dec . 18 , 2015 , when Representative Garrett voted against the Zadroga funding ,” indicated Colligan . “ This district lies in sight of the World Trade Center and the smells of the fire blew over this county and through this district for eight months after the towers fell . That ’ s when our members went to dig through the pile and that ’ s where the real heroes emerged as well . When it was time for Scott Garrett to simply press ‘ yes ’ and put his words to action , he reached up on his desk and pushed the ‘ no ’ button . That ’ s when he left us .”
Garrett voted against the $ 1.1 trillion spending bill that included the Zadroga Act , making permanent a program providing healthcare and compensation for first responders responding to the Sept . 11 terrorist attacks .
The incumbent has a history of not supporting law enforcement , voting on 12 separate occasions against the Community Oriented Police Services ( COPS ) grants through the U . S . Department of Justice .
“ He voted against the COPS grants not once , not five times , but a dozen times ,” stated Colligan . “ That ’ s why we ’ re supporting Josh Gottheimer .”
Gottheimer , running to unseat Garrett , called his opponent ’ s opposition to the Zadroga Act “ un-American .”
NJ State PBA President Patrick Colligan endorses candidate Josh Gottheimer for Congress in the 5th District outside the Paramus Police Station on June 20 .
“ At my core I believe our community and your elected officials , regardless of party , have an obligation to do everything in their power to look after law enforcement and all first responders who put your own lives on the line every single day to keep our families safe ,” committed Gottheimer .
Gottheimer earned his law degree from Harvard Law School and after graduation worked as a speechwriter for President Bill Clinton . Prior to announcing his candidacy , Gottheimer was the General Manager for Corporate Strategy at Microsoft .
During the press conference , Gottheimer announced a five-point plan to fight lone wolf terrorists following the June 12 attack in Orlando , where a gunman pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and murdered 49 people at a nightclub .
Gottheimer ’ s plan consists of preventing suspected terrorists on FBI watch lists from purchasing weapons like the AR-15 , redoubling efforts to shut down internet sites that have become centers of terrorist recruitment and supporting veterans when they return home with job training , support for prosthetics and PTSD programs .
The Congressional candidate also accentuated the importance of fighting for all resources at the 5th District ’ s disposal including
www . njcopsmagazine . com ■ JULY 2016 33