NJ Cops | Page 31

you go into a downward spiral. “Every officer who is exposed to the secondary dangers is going to have some kind of challenge with them,” Dr. Bizzarro adds. “It's what you do with them. If you keep everything inside, it's like a pressure-cooker.” If the officer stays numb and blocks everything out until it's too late, the lid can blow in a lot of ways. Alcohol and drug addiction is one of the biggest. The ultimate is suicide. “That's when you realize, I could be that guy and you have to ask, 'What do I lose?'“ Burkert warns. “You lose seeing your kids growing up and walking your daughter down = It= could= go away = = = the aisle. with one thought, and=you have to= be able to stop = that = process.” = = COVER STORY The NJ State PBA Peer Liaison Committee Dr. B, without any worry of impact on their to give officers the opportunity to seek ther= = livelihoods. And when they deal with a apy from qualified providers of their chooscritical = incident =for which healing is well- ing. Pellegrino also is working on plans to they know they won’t add qualified doctors to the PBA team from = = = = = = served = = with = therapy, = have = = = = = = to go back = to work until the time is right, across the state to ease some of the 24-7 Stopping the process of and workload. = = = = can= be a matter = = they can= go without fear. treatment or prevention. With the help of “It’s not a short process,” Dr. Stef confides. As for prevention, Dr. Bizzarro offers a plan = = = Cop 2 Cop, the NJ State PBA has become one “It takes a long time, and there are always for managing to keep = = = = = = = well-being = = = = officers = = = = = = = = of the most successful labor unions in the residuals. In a successful relationship, it’s from spinning into the spiral. = = = = = = = =The = simple = = = = = = = = country on both fronts, an endeavor that important for the doctor and the patient to approach is to incorporate mental, physical, = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = began nearly 15 years ago when Dr. Stef agree that it’s OK to go back to work.” emotional and spiritual well-being into the = = = = = = = = = = = = came on board and Burkert was asked to repDr. Stefanelli also warns members to be response protocol. And in this day and age of = = policing, = = also a =social and community = = law enforcement = = = on = the Governor’s = = careful= of a=therapist who might not= be qualresent there’s = = = = = = = = = Task Force on Suicide Prevention. ified to treat law enforcement. He tells of one well-being that could be important elements = = = = = = = = has = since= grown = expertise = = = in pro= = = = Dr.= Stef member he treated who was originally of suicide prevention. = = = = = = = = officers = = = = viding therapy for who= have= spiraled,= referred through his department to the “Remember the goal: to heighten your = = = to facilitate = = = change,” Dr. Bizzarro = = much = of = the = municipality’s = = workman’s comp doctor and =this work has= proven that that= = awareness = = success= members have= is =built= on the advises. “When you choose to do it, the fact = = = rela= = happened = to be = a child psychologist. tionship with the therapist. = = = They = have = = And Dr.= Stef is even hoping to work with that you have the willingness is probably half become comfortable talking Pellegrino = = = = to Dr. = Stef and = = and = the PBA to propose legislation the battle.” d All Cal