NJ Cops Sept18 | Page 83

Migraine headaches
Migraines are a common symptom for a lot of people , and research has shown that they have an inflammatory component . So we must remove the pro-inflammatory foods . Other possible causes of migraines include heavy metals , other toxins , and neck dysfunction . But food has proven to be the culprit time and time again . Digestive problems / IBS / leaky gut
A lot of digestive problems can link back to a gluten sensitivity . We know that food sensitivities inflame and cause dysfunction in the gut lining . This causes the tight junctions in the gut to open up , allowing bacteria and other particles to “ leak ” into the bloodstream , causing another immune response . White blood cells come running , and it becomes a vicious cycle .
In addition , 40 percent of the U . S . population is gluten-intolerant . Gluten , meaning “ glue ,” is a sticky protein found in wheat , barley , rye and oats . It can be very tough for your digestive system to break down and consumes a lot of energy in the process , which can lead to symptoms of fatigue .
Have you ever had pizza or spaghetti or pasta and just crashed afterwards ? If you typically do that after eating heavy glutencontaining carbohydrates , you ’ re likely one of the 40 percent who are sensitive . And for those with gluten intolerance , eating this protein will destroy the villi in the small intestine .
Your small intestine is where you absorb most of your nutrients , so without the villi doing their job , over time you become nutrientdeficient . And it ’ s the deficiencies that can lead to more than 200 different conditions .
To find out if you ’ re gluten-intolerant , get tested . If you show a big spike after eating wheat , barley , rye and oats , we would tell you to go gluten-free and give you the resources to do so . Thyroid problems
An estimated 20 million Americans struggle with low thyroid , and another 10 million have gone undiagnosed . What are the symptoms of low thyroid ? Weight gain , fatigue , hair loss , brittle nails , and being cold all the time . What many people don ’ t realize is that 90 percent of low thyroid levels is a condition called Hashimoto ’ s thyroiditis . This is not truly a thyroid issue but an autoimmune condition .
A doctor might try to correct the TSH levels with levothyroxine ,
www . njcopsmagazine . com ■ SEPTEMBER 2018 83