Why we must vote for Phil Murphy
I had the opportunity to meet with Phil Murphy , Democratic candidate for governor , on behalf of retired officers and their families . First , let me say that for a candidate for governor to take a one-on-one meeting with a retired officer representing one PBA Local is a tribute to the hard work of all Local 600 members , from the founders to the members who have continued to push and recruit new members , and , most of all , to all the members who have made us relevant by building our political influence through getting involved in the political process . When you can tell a candidate that I represent not only 5,000 members , but tens of thousands of their family members and friends , you get a meeting .
I knew we had limited time together , so I tried to focus on the most important issues that directly impact our members and their families . The first question I asked Mr . Murphy was about fully funding our pension system and ultimately reinstating COLA , which is our priority . Mr . Murphy responded to me directly and has since repeated in public many times that his priority is getting our pension system back on the road to solvency , starting with the state living up to its funding commitments . He said he believes part of the solution should be a constitutional amendment guaranteeing payments .
Of course , that led to my follow-up question about COLA . I provided some background about the real reason why COLA is important to us , as opposed to the propaganda the Republicans have put out the past eight years . Governor Christie and Lieutenant Governor Guadagno would have you believe that all retired members are making six-figure pensions , collecting Social Security on top of our pensions and living a life of luxury . I explained to Mr . Murphy that many of our retirees are living on pensions below the poverty line , not collecting Social Security and can barely afford to keep their homes .
I think it was a surprise to him that many more of our members are living with pensions below $ 30,000 per year than above . It ’ s shocking to think that these retired members have been denied a small increase in their pension checks during the past eight years due to the complete lack of empathy from the Republicans in charge . To be completely honest , I think Mr . Murphy needed to hear this information from a retired officer . He listened and made a promise that he believes COLA reinstatement under a fair program is something that he will support .
He stated his first priority is to shore up the pension fund , because without that , there is no money for COLA , and then to discuss with the PBA leadership the best plan , one in which the neediest are taken care of first and eventually all receive some increase . He was not specific about a timetable or an exact program . But he was specific in saying he would sit at the table with PBA leadership , including retired representatives , to work out a fair and equitable program . I did not hesitate to explain to Mr . Murphy that we have heard promises in the past from politicians , and Exhibit A is Christie ’ s famous “ I will never hurt law enforcement ” letter . Murphy acknowledged that the diminished credibility of politicians that has come during the past eight years is something he needs to overcome , and he vowed to do just that . He believes in organized labor and fully supports public sector workers and their right to collectively bargain .
Of course , you have heard his opponent blasting him about raising taxes to fund pension funding and education , but he has made it clear that the only tax increases will be on incomes over $ 1 million and he will close corporate tax loopholes . In his words , “ There will be no increased burden put on the middle class .”
I believe we have only one path to follow this November . In just a few short weeks , we will make a choice based on what we know , and it ’ s this : In 2015 , Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno endorsed a commission report calling for getting rid of our pension system and changing to a 401k for law enforcement officers . Now , with less than a month remaining until Election Day , she says she wants to help PFRS members . Isn ’ t this the playbook she learned from her boss : make promises and they will support you , then do whatever you want .
Well , after eight years , I believe she had her chance to support us , yet she never came out and said , “ Governor , you are wrong .” Therefore , I believe it is our duty to fully support Phil Murphy for governor . We must vote and let it be known to our families , friends and neighbors that we support Murphy . We must also let it be known that there are political consequences when you blatantly lie to the people . The Republican party , under its current leadership , does not deserve our vote . We must hold all politicians accountable for their actions . d