NJ Cops October17 | Page 17

• Average Interest Arbitration 2016 Salary Increase: 1.94 percent The task force is required to report its findings, along with any recommendations it may have, to the governor and the state legislature annually. The task force’s final report is due on or before Dec. 31 and shall include, in addition to any find- ings and recommendations, a specific recommendation for any amendments to the arbitration award cap. Upon the fil- ing of its final report on or before Dec. 31, the task force shall expire effective on that date. The February PBA meeting will be held Feb. 6, 2018 at Harrah’s Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City. The annual NJ State PBA Collective Bargaining Seminar is scheduled to begin with lunch immediately following the meeting. The seminar will commence at 1 p.m. and conclude at 5 p.m. on that day. The seminar will continue on Feb. 7 and Feb. 8 with a continental breakfast and registration at 8 a.m. with sessions beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at 4 p.m. Seminar applications will be available for distribution or can be picked up at state meeting on Oct. 16 at Pines Manor in Edison. I would like to thank all members of the State PBA Collec- tive Bargaining Committee for the work and effort they put forth to keep our database up to date and relevant to the marketplace. I would also like to thank, in particular, Chair John Cernek, State Delegate for Lacey Township Local 238 and Co-Chair Michael Freeman, Summit Local 55 State Delegate, for their dedication and service to this committee. The work that these members perform gives the State PBA the ability to keep all members informed and up to date with the current happenings when it comes to collective bargaining in all of its forms. d www.njcopsmagazine.com ■ OCTOBER 2017 17