NJ Cops Jan19 | Page 58

Manville Local hosts lunch for senior citizens On Dec. 2, Manville Local 236 hosted its annual senior citizen lunch. For the past 12 years, the Local has been buying and serv- ing the hot lunch to seniors. “We get to meet and interact with the seniors, but more impor- tantly, they get to meet us,” noted Local 236 President Rich Canu- so. Union County Sheriff’s Officers Local 108 goes scruffy for a cause n PHOTO BY JIM LOWNEY Union County Sheriff Peter Corvelli joined Undersheriffs Dennis Burke and Amilcar Colon in congratulating members of Union County Sheriff’s Officers Local 108, who participat- ed in No-Shave November and raised $5,070 for the New Jer- sey Veterans Network and Prostate Cancer Foundation. No-Shave November challenges participants to forgo shav- ing for the month to raise money for charity. 58 NEW JERSEY COPS ■ JANUARY 2019