MaRk 2 1141
Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy
40 A man with lep ro sy a came to him and
begged him on his knees , “ If you are willing , you can make me clean .”
41 Jesus was in dig nant . b He reached
out his hand and touched the man . “ I am will ing ,” he said . “ Be clean !” 42 Im medi ate ly the lep ro sy left him and he was cleansed .
43 Jesus sent him away at once with a
strong warn ing : 44 “ See that you don ’ t tell this to any one . But go , show your self to the priest and of fer the sac ri fic es that Mo ses com mand ed for your cleans ing , as a tes ti mo ny to them .” 45 In stead he went out and be gan to talk free ly , spread ing the news . As a re sult , Jesus could no lon ger en ter a town open ly but stayed out side in lone ly plac es . Yet the peo ple still came to him from ev ery where .
Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man
2A few days lat er , when Jesus again en tered Ca per na um , the people heard that he had come home .
2 They gath ered in such large num bers
that there was no room left , not even outside the door , and he preached the word to them . 3 Some men came , bring ing to him a par a lyzed man , car ried by four of them .
4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd , they made an open ing in the roof above Jesus by dig ging through it and then low ered the mat the man was ly ing on . 5 When Jesus saw their faith , he said to the par a lyzed man , “ Son , your sins are for giv en .”
a 40 The Greek word traditionally translated leprosy was
used for various diseases affecting the skin . b 41 Many manuscripts Jesus was filled with compassion i n your wordsown
Four Friends Bring Their Buddy to Jesus
Read Mark 2:1 – 4 . here ’ s a recap :
1 . Jesus was speaking at a house in Capernaum ( say it like kuh-PURR-num ).
2 . Four guys brought their paralyzed friend to be healed by Jesus , but the house was so crowded , they couldn ’ t get through , which was a bummer .
3 . The friends went up on the roof and cut a hole to lower their friend ( who was lying on a mat ) down to Jesus . Those are some GOOD friends .
Now read the rest of the story in Mark 2:5 – 12 . write a recap :
4 . 5 .
6 .
Word to the Wise : Jesus not only heals — he forgives sins .