1140 MaRk 1 had var i ous dis eas es . He also drove out many de mons , but he would not let the de mons speak be cause they knew who he was . treasure this !
“ Come , follow me ,” Jesus said , “ and I will send you out to fish for people .”
MARK 1:17
syn a gogue and be gan to teach . 22 The people were amazed at his teach ing , be cause he taught them as one who had au thori ty , not as the teach ers of the law . 23 Just then a man in their syn a gogue who was pos sessed by an im pure spir it cried out ,
24 “ What do you want with us , Jesus of
Naz a reth ? Have you come to de stroy us ? I know who you are — the Holy One of God !”
25 “ Be qui et !” said Jesus stern ly . “ Come
out of him !” 26 The im pure spir it shook the man vi o lent ly and came out of him with a shriek .
27 The peo ple were all so amazed that
they asked each oth er , “ What is this ? A new teach ing — and with au thor i ty ! He even gives or ders to im pure spir its and they obey him .” 28 News about him spread quick ly over the whole re gion of Gal i lee .
Jesus Heals Many
29 As soon as they left the syn a gogue ,
they went with James and John to the home of Si mon and An drew . 30 Si mon ’ s moth erinlaw was in bed with a fe ver , and they im me di ate ly told Jesus about her . 31 So he went to her , took her hand and helped her up . The fe ver left her and she be gan to wait on them .
32 That eve ning af ter sun set the peo ple
brought to Jesus all the sick and de monpos sessed . 33 The whole town gath ered at the door , 34 and Jesus healed many who
Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place
35 Very ear ly in the morn ing , while it
was still dark , Jesus got up , left the house and went off to a sol i tary place , where he prayed . 36 Si mon and his com pan ions went to look for him , 37 and when they found him , they ex claimed : “ Ev ery one is look ing for you !”
38 Jesus re plied , “ Let us go some where
else — to the near by vil lag es — so I can preach there also . That is why I have come .” 39 So he trav eled through out Gali lee , preach ing in their syn a gogues and driv ing out de mons .
Why didn ’ t Jesus want the leper to tell anybody he had healed him ?
Jesus had good reasons :
• He didn ’ t want people coming to him just to be physically healed ; he wanted them to come to be changed in their hearts and actions too .
• If his enemies knew about him too soon , Jesus might be crucified before he ’ d finished spreading his message .
The priests would know that a real healing had happened when the leper came to make his sacrifice . Pretty smart guy , that Jesus .
MARK 1:40 – 45