NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 9

Mark 8:23   |  819 Jesus Honors a Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith 24  Jesus left that ­place and went to the vi­ cin­i­t y of Tyre.  a He en­tered a ­house and did not want any­one to know it; yet he ­could not keep his pres­ence se­cret. 25  In fact, as soon as she ­heard ­about him, a wom­a n ­w hose lit­t le daugh­ter was pos­sessed by an im­pure spir­it came and fell at his feet. 26  The wom­a n was a Greek, born in Syr­i­a n Phoe­n ic­ia. She ­begged Jesus to ­d rive the de­mon out of her daugh­ter. 27  “First let the chil­d ren eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not ­r ight to take the chil­ dren’s ­bread and toss it to the dogs.” 28  “Lord,” she re­plied, “even the dogs un­der the ta­ble eat the chil­d ren’s crumbs.” 29  Then he told her, “For such a re­ply, you may go; the de­mon has left your daugh­ter.” 30  She went home and ­found her ­child ly­i ng on the bed, and the de­mon gone. Jesus Heals a Deaf and Mute Man 31  Then ­Jesus left the vi­c in­i­t y of Tyre and went ­t hrough Si­don, down to the Sea of Gal­i ­lee and into the re­g ion of the De­cap­o­l is.  b 32  There some peo­ple ­brought to him a man who was deaf and ­could hard­ly talk, and they ­begged Jesus to ­place his hand on him. 33  Af­t er he took him ­a side, away from the c rowd, ­Jesus put his fin­gers into the ­m an’s ears. Then he spit and ­t ouched the ­m an’s tongue. 34  He ­looked up to heav­en and with a deep sigh said to him, “Eph­pha­tha!” (which means “Be ­opened!”). 35  At this, the ­man’s ears were ­opened, his ­tongue was loos­ened and he be­gan to ­speak plain­ly. 36  Jesus com­m and­e d them not to tell any­ one. But the more he did so, the more they kept talk­i ng ­about it. 37  Peo­ple were over­w helmed with amaze­ment. “He has done ev­ery­t hing well,” they said. “He even ­makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand 8 Dur­i ng ­t hose days an­oth­er ­large ­c rowd gath­ered. ­Since they had noth­i ng to eat, Jesus ­called his dis­ci­ples to him and said, 2  “I have com­pas­sion for ­t hese peo­ple; they have al­ready been with me ­t hree days and have noth­i ng to eat. 3  If I send them home hun­g ry, they will col­lapse on the way, be­cause some of them have come a long dis­tance.” 4  His dis­c i­ples an­s wered, “But ­w here in this re­mote ­place can any­one get ­enough ­bread to feed them?” a  24  5  “How many ­loaves do you have?” ­Jesus asked. “Sev­en,” they re­plied. 6  He told the ­c rowd to sit down on the g round. When he had tak­en the sev­en ­loaves and giv­en ­t hanks, he ­broke them and gave them to his dis­ci­ples to dis­t rib­ute to the peo­ ple, and they did so. 7  They had a few ­small fish as well; he gave ­t hanks for them also and told the dis­c i­ples to dis­t rib­ute them. 8  The peo­ple ate and were sat­is­f ied. Af­ter­ward the dis­ci­ples picked up sev­en bas­ket­f uls of bro­ken piec­es that were left over. 9  About four thou­sand were pres­ent. After he had sent them away, 10  he got into the boat with his dis­ci­ples and went to the re­g ion of Dal­ma­nu­t ha. 11  The Phar­i ­s ees came and be­g an to ques­ tion ­Jesus. To test him, they ­a sked him for a sign from heav­en. 12  He ­sighed deep­ly and said, “Why does this gen­er­a­t ion ask for a sign? Tru­ly I tell you, no sign will be giv­en to it.” 13  Then he left them, got back into the boat and ­crossed to the oth­er side. The Yeast of the Pharisees and Herod 14  The dis­c i­p les had for­g ot­t en to ­b ring ­ read, ex­cept for one loaf they had with them b in the boat. 15  “Be care­f ul,” ­Jesus ­warned them. “Watch out for the ­yeast of the Phar­i­sees and that of Her­od.” 16  They dis­c ussed this with one an­oth­er and said, “It is be­cause we have no bread.” 17  Aware of ­t heir dis­c us­s ion, ­Jesus ­a sked them: “Why are you talk­i ng ­about hav­i ng no bread? Do you ­still not see or un­der­stand? Are your ­hearts hard­ened? 18  Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And ­don’t you re­mem­ber? 19  When I ­broke the five ­loaves for the five thou­sand, how many bas­ket­f uls of piec­es did you pick up?” “Twelve,” they re­plied. 20  “And when I ­broke the sev­en ­loaves for the four thou­sand, how many bas­ket­f uls of piec­es did you pick up?” They an­swered, “Sev­en.” 21  He said to them, “Do you ­still not un­der­ stand?” Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida 22  They came to Beth­sa­i d ­ a, and some peo­ple ­ rought a ­blind man and ­begged ­Jesus to ­touch b him. 23  He took the ­blind man by the hand and led him out­side the vil­lage. When he had spit on the ­man’s eyes and put his ­hands on him, Jesus a ­ sked, “Do you see any­t hing?” Many early manuscripts Tyre and Sidon    b  31  That is, the Ten Cities