NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 6

816  |  Mark 5:6  6  When he saw ­Jesus from a dis­t ance, he ran and fell on his ­k nees in ­f ront of him. 7  He shout­ ed at the top of his ­voice, “What do you want with me, ­Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name ­don’t tor­t ure me!” 8  For ­Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you im­ pure spir­it!” 9  Then ­J esus ­a sked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Le­g ion,” he re­plied, “for we are many.” 10  And he ­begged ­Jesus ­again and ­again not to send them out of the area. 11  A ­l arge herd of pigs was feed­i ng on the near­by hill­side. 12  The de­mons ­begged ­Jesus, “Send us ­a mong the pigs; al­low us to go into them.” 13  He gave them per­m is­sion, and the im­pure spir­its came out and went into the pigs. The herd, ­about two thou­sand in num­ ber, ­r ushed down the ­steep bank into the lake and were drowned. 14  Those tend­i ng the pigs ran off and re­port­ ed this in the town and coun­t ry­side, and the peo­ple went out to see what had hap­pened. 15  When they came to ­Jesus, they saw the man who had been pos­sessed by the le­g ion of de­ mons, sit­t ing ­t here, ­d ressed and in his ­r ight mind; and they were ­a fraid. 16  Those who had seen it told the peo­ple what had hap­pened to the de­mon-pos­sessed man — ​a nd told ­about the pigs as well. 17  Then the peo­ple be­gan to plead with J ­ esus to ­leave t ­ heir re­g ion. 18  As ­Jesus was get­t ing into the boat, the man who had been de­mon-pos­sessed ­begged to go with him. 19  Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own peo­ple and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mer­c y on you.” 20  So the man went away and be­gan to tell in the De­cap­o­l is  a how much ­Jesus had done for him. And all the peo­ ple were amazed. Jesus Raises a Dead Girl and Heals a Sick Woman 21  When ­Jesus had ­a gain ­c rossed over by boat to the oth­er side of the lake, a ­large ­crowd gath­ered ­a round him ­while he was by the lake. 22  Then one of the syn­a ­gogue lead­ers, ­n amed Ja­i ­r us, came, and when he saw ­Jesus, he fell at his feet. 23  He plead­ed ear­nest­ly with him, “My lit­t le daugh­ter is dy­i ng. ­Please come and put your ­hands on her so that she will be ­healed and live.” 24  So ­Jesus went with him. A ­large ­crowd fol­lowed and ­pressed ­a round him. 25  And a wom­a n was ­t here who had been sub­ject to bleed­i ng for ­t welve ­years. 26  She had suf­fered a ­g reat deal un­der the care of many a  20  That is, the Ten Cities    b  36  Or Ignoring    doc­tors and had ­spent all she had, yet in­stead of get­t ing bet­ter she grew ­worse. 27  When she heard ­about ­Jesus, she came up be­h ind him in the ­c rowd and ­touched his ­c loak, 28  be­ cause she ­t hought, “If I just ­touch his ­clothes, I will be ­healed.” 29  Im­me­d i­ate­ly her bleed­i ng stopped and she felt in her body that she was f reed from her suf­fer­i ng. 30  At once ­Jesus re­a l­i zed that pow­e r had gone out from him. He ­t urned ­a round in the crowd and ­asked, “Who ­touched my clothes?” 31  “You see the peo­p le crowd­i ng ­a gainst you,” his dis­ci­ples an­swered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who ­touched me?’ ” 32  But ­Jesus kept look­i ng ­a round to see who had done it. 33  Then the wom­a n, know­i ng what had hap­pened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trem­bling with fear, told him the ­w hole t ruth. 34  He said to her, “Daugh­ter, your ­faith has ­healed you. Go in ­peace and be ­f reed from your suf­fer­i ng.” 35  While ­Jesus was ­still speak­i ng, some peo­ ple came from the ­house of Ja­i ­r us, the syn­a­ gogue lead­er. “Your daugh­ter is dead,” they said. “Why both­er the teach­er any­more?” 36  Over­hear­i ng  b what they said, ­Jesus told him, “Don’t be ­a fraid; just be­l ieve.” 37  He did not let any­one fol­low him ex­c ept Pe­ter, ­James and John the broth­er of ­James. 38  When they came to the home of the syn­a­ gogue lead­er, ­Jesus saw a com­mo­t ion, with peo­ple cry­i ng and wail­i ng loud­ly. 39  He went in and said to them, “Why all this com­mo­t ion and wail­i ng? The ­child is not dead but ­asleep.” 40  But they l ­ aughed at him. Af­ter he put them all out, he took the ­child’s fa­t her and moth­er and the dis­ci­ples who were with him, and went in ­w here the ­child was. 41  He took her by the hand and said to her, “Tal­i­tha koum!” (which ­means “Lit­t le girl, I say to you, get up!”). 42  Im­me­d i­ate­l y the girl stood up and be­gan to walk ­a round (she was t welve ­years old). At this they were com­plete­ ly as­ton­ished. 43  He gave ­strict or­ders not to let any­one know ­about this, and told them to give her some­t hing to eat. A Prophet Without Honor 6 Jesus left ­t here and went to his home­town, ac­c om­p a­n ied by his dis­c i­ples. 2  When the Sab­bath came, he be­gan to ­teach in the syn­a­gogue, and many who ­heard him were amazed. “Where did this man get ­t hese ­t hings?” they asked. “What’s this wis­dom that has been giv­ en him? What are ­t hese re­mark­able mir­a­cles