NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 5
Mark 5:5 | 815
and produced a crop, some mult iplyi ng thirt y,
some sixt y, some a hund red times.”
9 Then Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear,
let them hear.”
10 When he was a lone, the Twelve and the
others a round him asked him about the par
ables. 11 He told them, “The secret of the king
dom of God has been given to you. But to t hose
on the outside everyt hing is said in parables
12 so that,
“ ‘they may be ever seeing but never
and ever hearing but never
otherwise they might turn and be
forgiven!’ a ”
13 Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t you un
derstand this parable? How then will you un
derstand any parable? 14 The farmer sows the
word. 15 Some people are like seed a long the
path, where the word is sown. As soon as they
hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word
that was sown in them. 16 Others, like seed
sown on rocky places, hear the word and at
once receive it with joy. 17 But since they have
no root, they last only a short time. When trou
ble or persecut ion comes because of the word,
they quickly fall away. 18 Still others, like seed
sown a mong t horns, hear the word; 19 but the
worr ies of this life, the deceitf ulness of wealth
and the desires for other t hings come in and
choke the word, maki ng it unf ruitf ul. 20 Oth
ers, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word,
accept it, and produce a crop — some thirt y,
some sixt y, some a hund red t imes what was
A Lamp on a Stand
21 He
said to them, “Do you bring in a lamp
to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t
you put it on its stand? 22 For whatever is hid
den is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is
concealed is meant to be brought out into the
open. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let them
24 “Cons ide r caref ull y what you hear,” he
cont inued. “With the measure you use, it will
be measured to you — a nd even more. 25 Who
ever has will be given more; whoever does not
have, even what they have will be taken from
The Parable of the Growing Seed
26 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of
God is like. A man scatters seed on the g round.
a 12
27 Night
and day, whether he sleeps or gets up,
the seed sprouts and g rows, t hough he does
not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces
g rain — f irst the stalk, then the head, then the
full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the g rain
is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the har
vest has come.”
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
30 Again he said, “What s hall we say the
kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall
we use to describe it? 31 It is like a must ard
seed, w hich is the smalle st of all s eeds on
earth. 32 Yet when planted, it g rows and be
comes the largest of all garden plants, with
such big branches that the birds can perch in
its shade.”
33 With many simi l ar parables Jesus s poke
the word to them, as much as they could un
derstand. 34 He did not say anyt hing to them
without usi ng a parable. But when he was
a lone with his own disciples, he explained ev
eryt hing.
Jesus Calms the Storm
35 That day when even ing came, he said to
his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.”
36 Leavi ng the c rowd beh ind, they took him
a long, just as he was, in the boat. T here were
also other boats with him. 37 A fur ious squall
came up, and the w aves broke over the boat,
so that it was nearly s wamped. 38 Jesus was in
the stern, sleepi ng on a cushion. The disciples
woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you
care if we drown?”
39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to
the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died
down and it was completely calm.
40 He said to his disc iples, “Why are you so
a fraid? Do you s till have no faith?”
41 They were terr if ied and a sked each oth
er, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves
obey him!”
Jesus Restores a Demon-Possessed Man
They went across the lake to the reg ion of
the Gerasenes. b 2 When Jesus got out of the
boat, a man with an impure spirit came from
the tombs to meet him. 3 This man l ived in the
tombs, and no one could bind him anymore,
not even with a chain. 4 For he had often been
chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains
apart and broke the i rons on his feet. No one
was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Night and
day a mong the tombs and in the h ills he would
cry out and cut himself with stones.
Isaiah 6:9,10 b 1 Some manuscripts Gadarenes; other manuscripts Gergesenes