NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 16

826  |  Mark 13:23  e ­ lect. 23  So be on your ­g uard; I have told you ev­ ery­t hing a ­ head of time. 24  “But in ­t hose days, fol­low­i ng that dis­t ress, “ ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’  a 26  “At that time peo­ple will see the Son of Man com­i ng in ­clouds with ­g reat pow­er and glo­r y. 27  And he will send his an­gels and gath­er his ­elect from the four ­w inds, from the ends of the ­earth to the ends of the heav­ens. 28  “Now ­learn this les­s on from the fig tree: As soon as its ­t wigs get ten­der and its ­leaves come out, you know that sum­mer is near. 29  Even so, when you see ­t hese ­t hings hap­pen­ ing, you know that it  b is near, ­r ight at the door. 30  Tru­l y I tell you, this gen­er­a­t ion will cer­t ain­l y not pass away un­t il all ­t hese ­t hings have hap­ pened. 31  Heav­en and ­earth will pass away, but my w ­ ords will nev­er pass away. The Day and Hour Unknown 32  “But ­about that day or hour no one ­k nows, not even the an­gels in heav­en, nor the Son, but only the Fa­t her. 33  Be on ­g uard! Be ­a lert  c  ! You do not know when that time will come. 34  It’s like a man go­ing away: He ­leaves his ­house and puts his ser­vants in ­charge, each with their as­ signed task, and ­tells the one at the door to keep watch. 35  “There­fore keep ­w atch be­c ause you do not know when the own­er of the ­house will come back — ​w heth­er in the eve­n ing, or at mid­ night, or when the roost­er ­crows, or at dawn. 36  If he ­comes sud­den­l y, do not let him find you sleep­i ng. 37  What I say to you, I say to ev­ery­one: ‘Watch!’ ” Jesus Anointed at Bethany 14 Now the Pass­over and the Fes­t i­v al of Un­leav­ened ­Bread were only two days away, and the ­chief ­priests and the teach­ers of the law were schem­i ng to ar­rest ­Jesus se­cret­ ly and kill him. 2  “But not dur­i ng the fes­t i­val,” they said, “or the peo­ple may riot.” 3  While he was in Beth­a ­ny, re­c lin­i ng at the ta­ble in the home of Si­mon the Lep­er, a wom­a n came with an al­a­bas­ter jar of very ex­pen­sive per­f ume, made of pure nard. She ­broke the jar and ­poured the per­f ume on his head. 4  Some of ­t hose pres­ent were say­i ng in­d ig­ nant­ly to one an­oth­er, “Why this ­waste of per­ a  25  e  7  fume? 5  It ­could have been sold for more than a ­year’s wag­es  d and the mon­e y giv­en to the poor.” And they re­buked her harsh­ly. 6  “Leave her ­a lone,” said ­Jesus. “Why are you both­er­i ng her? She has done a beau­t i­f ul t hing to me. 7  The poor you will al­w ays have with you,  e and you can help them any time you want. But you will not al­w ays have me. 8  She did what she ­could. She ­poured per­f ume on my body be­fore­hand to pre­pare for my buri­ al. 9  Tru­l y I tell you, wher­e v­er the gos­pel is preached through­out the ­world, what she has done will also be told, in mem­o­r y of her.” 10  Then Ju­d as Is­c ar­i­ot, one of the ­Twelve, went to the ­c hief ­priests to be­t ray ­Jesus to them. 11  They were de­l ight­ed to hear this and prom­ised to give him mon­e y. So he ­w atched for an op­por­t u­n i­t y to hand him over. The Last Supper 12  On the ­f irst day of the Fes­t i­v al of Un­leav­ ened ­Bread, when it was cus­tom­a ry to sac­r i­f ice the Pass­over lamb, ­Jesus’ dis­ci­ples ­asked him, “Where do you want us to go and make prep­a­ ra­t ions for you to eat the Pass­over?” 13  So he sent two of his dis­c i­p les, tell­i ng them, “Go into the city, and a man car­r y­i ng a jar of wa­ter will meet you. Fol­low him. 14  Say to the own­er of the ­house he en­ters, ‘The Teach­ er asks: ­W here is my ­g uest room, ­where I may eat the Pass­over with my dis­ci­ples?’ 15  He will show you a ­large room up­stairs, fur­n ished and ready. Make prep­a ­ra­t ions for us there.” 16  The dis­c i­ples left, went into the city and found ­t hings just as ­Jesus had told them. So they pre­pared the Pass­over. 17  When eve­n ing came, ­Jesus ar­r ived with the ­Twelve. 18  While they were re­c lin­i ng at the ta­ble eat­i ng, he said, “Tru­l y I tell you, one of you will be­t ray me — ​one who is eat­i ng with me.” 19  They were sad­dened, and one by one they said to him, “Sure­ly you don’t mean me?” 20  “It is one of the ­Twelve,” he re­plied, “one who dips ­bread into the bowl with me. 21  The Son of Man will go just as it is writ­ten ­about him. But woe to that man who be­t rays the Son of Man! It ­would be bet­ter for him if he had not been born.” 22  While they were eat­i ng, ­Jesus took ­bread, and when he had giv­en ­t hanks, he ­broke it and gave it to his dis­ci­ples, say­i ng, “Take it; this is my body.” 23  Then he took a cup, and when he had giv­en ­t hanks, he gave it to them, and they all d rank from it. Isaiah 13:10; 34:4    b  29  Or he    c  33  Some manuscripts alert and pray    d  5  Greek than three hundred denarii    See Deut. 15:11.