NIV Boys Bible NIV Boys Bible | Activities | Page 6

1149  /   Mark 2:9  even ­g ives or­ders to im­pure spir­its and they obey him.” 28  News ­about him ­spread quick­ly over the ­whole re­gion of Gal­i­lee. Jesus Heals Many 29  As soon as they left the syn­a­gogue, they went with ­James and John to the home of Si­mon and An­d rew. 30  Si­mon’s moth­er-in-law was in bed with a fe­ver, and they im­me­di­ate­ly told ­Jesus ­about her. 31  So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fe­ver left her and she be­gan to wait on them. 32  That eve­n ing af­ter sun­set the peo­ple brought to ­Jesus all the sick and de­mon- pos­sessed. 33  The ­whole town gath­ered at the door, 34  and ­Jesus ­healed many who had var­i­ous dis­eas­es. He also ­d rove out many de­mons, but he ­would not let the de­mons ­speak be­cause they knew who he was. Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place 35  Very ear­ly in the morn­ing, ­while it was ­still dark, ­Jesus got up, left the ­house and went off to a sol­i­tary ­place, ­where he prayed. 36  Si­mon and his com­pan­ions went to look for him, 37  and when they ­found him, they ex­c laimed: “Ev­ery­one is look­ ing for you!” 38  Jesus re­plied, “Let us go some­where else — ​to the near­by vil­lag­es — ​so I can preach ­t here also. That is why I have come.” 39  So he trav­eled through­out Gal­ i­lee, preach­ing in ­t heir syn­a­gogues and driv­ing out de­mons. Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy 40  A man with lep­ro­sy  a came to him and begged him on his ­k nees, “If you are will­ ing, you can make me clean.” 41  Jesus was in­d ig­n ant.  b He ­reached out his hand and ­touched the man. “I am will­i ng,” he said. “Be ­c lean!” 42  Im­me­ di­ate­ly the lep­ro­s y left him and he was cleansed. 43  Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warn­i ng: 44  “See that you ­don’t tell this to any­one. But go, show your­self to the ­priest and of­fer the sac­r i­f ic­es that Mo­ses com­mand­ed for your cleans­ing, as a tes­t i­mo­ny to them.” 45  In­stead he went out and be­gan to talk free­ly, spread­ing the news. As a re­sult, ­Jesus ­could no lon­ger en­ter a town open­ly but ­stayed out­side in lone­ly plac­es. Yet the peo­ple ­still came to him from ev­ery­where. Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man 2 A few days lat­er, when ­Jesus ­again en­tered Ca­per­na­u m, the peo­ple heard that he had come home. 2  They gath­e red in such ­l arge num­b ers that ­there was no room left, not even out­ side the door, and he ­preached the word to them. 3  Some men came, bring­ing to him a par­a ­lyzed man, car­ried by four of them. 4  Since they ­could not get him to ­Jesus be­ cause of the ­crowd, they made an open­ing in the roof ­above ­Jesus by dig­ging ­through it and then low­ered the mat the man was ly­ing on. 5  When ­Jesus saw ­their ­faith, he said to the par­a ­lyzed man, “Son, your sins are for­giv­en.” check it out Mark 2:4 The paralytic man had the best friends in the world. They tried everything to get him to ­Jesus. They went so far that they broke up the tiles and stones on a roof and dug a hole through it. “Excuse us, coming through!” 6  Now some teach­ers of the law were sit­t ing ­there, think­i ng to them­s elves, 7  “Why does this fel­low talk like that? He’s blas­phem­ing! Who can for­g ive sins but God alone?” 8  Im­me­d i­ate­ly ­Jesus knew in his spir­it that this was what they were think­ing in t heir ­hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you think­ing ­these ­things? 9  Which is eas­i­er: to say to this par­a ­lyzed man, ‘Your sins are for­giv­en,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take a  40  The Greek word traditionally translated leprosy was used for various diseases affecting the skin.    Many manuscripts Jesus was filled with compassion    b  41