NIV Boys Bible NIV Boys Bible | Activities | Page 5

Mark 1:1  /   1148 John the Baptist Prepares the Way 1 The be­gin­ning of the good news about ­Jesus the Mes­si­a h,  a the Son of God,  b 2  as it is writ­ten in Isa­iah the proph­et: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way”  c  — ​ 3 “a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’ ”  d 4  And so John the Bap­t ist ap­p eared in the wil­der­ness, preach­i ng a bap­t ism of re­p en­t ance for the for­g ive­ness of sins. 5  The ­w hole Ju­d e­a n coun­t ry­s ide and all the peo­ple of Je­r u­sa­lem went out to him. Con­fess­i ng ­t heir sins, they were bap­ tized by him in the Jor­dan Riv­er. 6  John wore cloth­ing made of cam­el’s hair, with a leath­er belt ­a round his ­w aist, and he ate lo­c usts and wild hon­e y. 7  And this was his mes­s age: “Af­ter me ­c omes the one more pow­er­f ul than I, the ­straps of whose san­dals I am not wor­t hy to ­stoop down and un­t ie. 8  I bap­t ize you with  e wa­ter, but he will bap­t ize you with  e the Holy Spir­it.” The Baptism and Testing of Jesus 9  At that time ­Jesus came from Naz­a­ reth in Gal­i­lee and was bap­tized by John in the Jor­dan. 10  Just as ­Jesus was com­ing up out of the wa­ter, he saw heav­en be­ing torn open and the Spir­it de­scend­ing on him like a dove. 11  And a ­voice came from heav­en: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” 12  At once the Spir­it sent him out into the wil­der­ness, 13  and he was in the wil­ der­ness for­t y days, be­ing tempt­ed   f by Sa­ tan. He was with the wild an­i­mals, and an­gels at­tend­ed him. Jesus Announces the Good News 14  Af­ter John was put in pris­on, ­Jesus went into Gal­i ­lee, pro­c laim­ing the good news of God. 15  “The time has come,” he said. “The king­dom of God has come near. Re­pent and be­lieve the good news!” Jesus Calls His First Disciples 16  As ­Jesus ­w alked be­side the Sea of Gal­i ­lee, he saw Si­mon and his broth­er An­d rew cast­ing a net into the lake, for they were fish­er­men. 17  “Come, fol­low me,” ­Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for peo­ple.” 18  At once they left ­their nets and fol­lowed him. W RDS T “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Mark 1:17 LIVE BY 19  When he had gone a lit­t le far­t her, he saw ­James son of Zeb­e­dee and his broth­ er John in a boat, pre­par­ing ­t heir nets. 20  With­out de­lay he ­called them, and they left ­their fa­ther Zeb­e­dee in the boat with the ­hired men and fol­lowed him. Jesus Drives Out an Impure Spirit 21  They went to Ca­per­na­um, and when the Sab­bath came, ­Jesus went into the syn­a ­gogue and be­g an to ­teach. 22  The peo­ple were ­a mazed at his teach­ing, be­ cause he ­taught them as one who had au­t hor­i­t y, not as the teach­ers of the law. 23  Just then a man in ­t heir syn­a­gogue who was pos­sessed by an im­pure spir­it ­c ried out, 24  “What do you want with us, ­Jesus of Naz­a ­reth? Have you come to de­stroy us? I know who you are — ​the Holy One of God!” 25  “Be qui­et!” said ­Jesus stern­ly. “Come out of him!” 26  The im­pure spir­it ­shook the man vi­o­lent­ly and came out of him with a shriek. 27  The peo­ple were all so ­a mazed that they ­asked each oth­er, “What is this? A new teach­ing — ​a nd with au­t hor­i­t y! He a  1  Or Jesus Christ. Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek) both mean Anointed One.    b  1  Some manuscripts do not have the Son of God.    c  2  Mal. 3:1    d  3  Isaiah 40:3    e  8  Or in    f  13  The Greek for tempted can also mean tested.