NIV Adventure Bible Adventure Bible Back to School Activities | Page 9
Mark 1
man violently and came out of him with a
16 As J
esus w
alked beside the Sea of Gal
27 The peo
ple were all so a mazed that
ilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew
they a sked each other, “What is this? A
casting a net into the lake, for they were
new teachi ng — and with aut hor it y! He
fishermen. 17 “Come, follow me,” J esus said,
to imp ure spirits and
“and I will send you out to fish for people.” even g ives orders
28 News about him spread
18 At once they left t heir nets and followed they obey him.”
quickly over the whole reg ion of Galilee.
Jesus Calls His First Disciples
19 When he had gone a litt le fart her, he
saw J ames son of Zebedee and his brother Jesus Heals Many
29 As soon as they left the syn
a gogue,
John in a boat, preparing their nets. 20 With
went with James and John to the home
out delay he called them, and they left t heir
fat her Zebedee in the boat with the h ired of Simon and Andrew. 30 Simon’s mother-in-
law was in bed with a fever, and they imme
men and followed him.
diately told Jesus about her. 31 So he went to
her, took her hand and h
elped her up. The
Jesus Drives Out an Impure Spirit
an to wait on them.
21 They went to Ca
p ernau m, and when
32 That even ing after suns et the people
the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the syn
agogue and began to t each. 22 The people brought to J 33 esus all the sick and demon-
hole town gathered at
were a mazed at his teaching, bec ause he possessed. The w
t aught them as one who had aut horit y, not the door, and Jesus healed many who had
as the teachers of the law. 23 Just then a man various diseases. He also d rove out many
in t heir synagogue who was possessed by demons, but he would not let the demons
an impure spirit c ried out, 24 “What do you speak because they knew who he was.
want with us, Jesus of Naza reth? Have you
come to destroy us? I know who you are — Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place
35 Very early in the morning, while it was
the Holy One of God!”
25 “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and
out of him!” 26 The impure spirit shook the went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Reach Out to Others
Leprosy is a terrible disease. A leper’s skin has open sores.
In Bible times a person with leprosy was considered
“unclean” and could not worship God with other people
or even live in town. Because of the disease, no one
would come near a leper.
Read Mark 1:40–42. Jesus showed that he cared for
this leper by touching him and healing him.
Write down the names of a couple of children you
know who might feel as lonely as the leper. Then answer
these three questions:
Mark 1:40–42
1. Why is he or she left alone? (Because he or she is not nice, is dirty, doesn’t wear
nice clothes, hits people, looks or acts different?)
2. How do you think he or she feels? (Happy, lonely, afraid, proud, sad, angry,
stuck-up, or maybe some other feeling?)
3. How could you show that Jesus cares? (Smile, talk to him, ask her to sit with
you at lunch, pick him for your team, tell others to stop being mean?)
What will you do to show that Jesus still cares about the lonely today?