Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 94

Siddiq  . Upon hearing my reply, he smiled as I could feel it in his conversation. He explained the concept of spirituality and bayah and offered me some time to think about it. I was so affirmed about being part of this nisbah and strengthening my spiritual heart that without a second thought, I surrendered myself to the supervision of Shaykh Sahab. Slowly and gradually my heart was changing with the help of my Shaykh. I started truly respecting him. Shaykh Sahab started to guide me on the path of Allah . My goal of life of being a successful career woman changed to wanting to please Allah . I realized that whatever I am is because of Allah  . I started to enjoy, spending more and more time in the company of my teachers and classmates because that made me feel like a different person. It was an indescribable feeling, to sit in the class and learn the knowledge of deen (Islam). The happiest moment of my madrasah was when Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad ‫ دامت بركاهتم‬named our madrasah, Nur ul Ilm Academy (Light of Knowledge). NISBAH 94 I also cherish the moments, when I was going through turbulent times, like the loss of my father. I never asked Allah  why this happened to me; instead I showed patience and accepted Allah’s  decision. I developed a firm belief that everything, whether good or bad, is determined by Allah  and he who shows patience, Allah  rewards them. The Quran says, َ َ ‫َو ِإذ ت أَ�ذن َر ُّبك َل ئ ِ� شك ْر تُ� َلز يد َّنك َوَل ئ ِ ن‬ ْ ُ َ ِ ‫ْ َّ َ ُ ْ ن َ َ ْ أ‬ � َ َّ ٌ ‫َك َف ْر تُ� إن ع َذا� َلشد‬ ‫ِ َ ِب ي ِ يد‬ “When Allah takes something away from you; He is not punishing you but merely making your hands empty to receive something better.” Allah  certainly rewarded me and blessed me with spiritual parents. I did not realize how my brother’s Shaykh Sahab became my ‘Baba Jaan’ and ‘Aalimah Nadia Sadiq became my ‘Mama Jaan’. I became part of a spiritual family. I pray to Allah  to always keep me in their suhbah (company) so that I can become a person of Ikhlaaq (good character). Ameen.