Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 9

Similarly, if you have to get cure to your spiritual sicknesses, like lust, anger, greed, and arrogance, you have to go to the spiritual doctor,that is a Shaykh. The Prophet  was sent as a spiritual doctor. Allah  says in the Quran: ْ َ ْ َ‫َ َ َّ ّ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ِ ن‬ ‫لق ْد َمن الل عل الؤم ِن ي� ِإذ َب َعث ِف ِي�م‬ َ َ‫َ ْ ي‬ ْ‫َرسوال ِّمن أنفسم َي ْت ُلو ع َل ي ِْ�م آ� ِت ِه َوُ زَي� ِّك ِي�م‬ ُِِْ ْ ً ُ “Indeed Allah has done a favor on the believers, when he sent to them a messenger from amongst themselves, who recites to them the verses and purifies them (of the spiritual sicknesses) …” (3:64) Just like you have to give your history and the symptoms of your diseases to the doctor, you have to tell your personal history and the symptoms of your spiritual sicknesses to the spiritual doctor as well. This process is called Ittila’. Our mashaikh (spiritual guides) have said that even if Allah I opens a person’s spiritual sicknesses to them, they will not treat it until it’s told by the patient. And just like a patient of physical diseases may not know as to what is the cause of his sickness, and his chest pain might be because of acid reflux, the patient of spiritual sickness might also not know his real spiritual disease even though the symptoms tell something else. Also, just like it is normally not allowed to open one’s hidden areas to anybody, but they must be shown to the doctor to get the treatment, one’s spiritual issues must not be opened to anyone but must be opened to the spiritual doctor in order to get the spiritual treatment. When the case is presented to the doctor, the wise would be the one who would take the advice of the doctor and take the prescribed medicine and stay away from all those things that he has been asked to stay away from. Similarly, to hold onto the prescribed dhikr and to stay away from sins and some other possible things is the key to the spiritual treatment. This is called Ittiba’. Another important concept in our religion is mashwara (seeking counsel). It is another sunnah that Allah I wants us to follow in order to get blessings in our decisions. When it is done with one’s Shaykh, who has the religious knowledge and spiritual insight, it brings the blessings of Allah I in that matter. This is part of Ittiba’. These are the fundamentals of the path of spirituality. Of course, it does not stop here. It is just the start. But every journey starts with a single step and this is step number one in the journey to achieve closeness to Allah I, complete submission to Him and the success of both the lives. At the end of the day, it’s Allah I who cures our spiritual sicknesses. ُ ََ َ ْ ْ ُ َ َ ِ َّ ُ ْ َ َ َ ‫َول ْول فضل الل عل ْيك َو َرح ُت ُه َما زك ِمنك‬ َ َ َ ّ َ‫ّ ْ َ َ َ َ ً َ َ َّ َّ َ ُ ز‬ ‫ِمن أح ٍد أبدا ولكن الل ي� ِك من يشاء‬ ِ ‫ي‬ “If it was the grace and mercy of Allah on you, none of you would have been able to get the purification (from the spiritual sicknesses), but it is Allah who purifies whoever He wishes …” (24:21) But, we have to take the means, and those means are to hook ourselves up with the teachers of spirituality (Shaykh), as per the order of Allah I and then follow the principles. ْ ُ َ ّ ْ َّ ْ َ َ‫َ َّ ن‬ َ‫َ ي� َأ يُّ�ا ال ِذ� آم ُنوا ات ُقوا الل َو ُكونوا َمع‬ ‫ي‬ َ‫َّ ِ ن‬ �‫الصاد ِق ي‬ “O you who believe, have taqwa (abstaining from all sins to achieve the state of taqwa)of Allah, and be among the ones who have acquired the state of truthfulness (i.e. inner a