Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 8

FOREWORD Path of Spirituality: Informing of one’s state & following the advices All praise is for Allah , and may the blessings of Allah  be upon our beloved Prophet . We thank Allah  for His continuous blessings and the tawfiq of publishing another edition of Nisbah. As mentioned in the foreword of the last editions that in order to develop oneself, one should take a Shaykh (spiritual guide) and then there are four key things that one has to have in the connection with their Shaykh to get maximum benefit; 1. Love and Trust (Mahabbah) 2. Facilitating him in serving the religion of Allah  (Khidmah) 3. Informing him of one’s spiritual state (Ittila’) 4. Following his advices (Ittiba’) It was mentioned that one has to have complete trust and love for one’s Shaykh, so that there is focus and direction, so that one takes on the advices imparted by the Shaykh into one’s life and not follow his own desires. Also, to create humility, and to get a share in the reward of serving the cause of Allah I, one should engage in facilitating his Shaykh. The next principles in this process are called Ittila’ and Ittiba’. Allah I has established this methodology (sunnah) in the world that you need means in order to accomplish a thing. If you have to quench your thirst, you have to drink water. If you have to get cure, you have to go to a doctor, and get the medicine.