Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 89

Muhammad  said there is a time on Friday when duas are accepted. Ulema (scholars) have a difference of opinion as to what is that time. Some say after Friday prayer, some say between the two sermons, some say after Asr (the mid-day prayer). The gist is that after the Friday prayer make a special effort that you make long duas, and ask Allah  for everything you are in need of. The adab of going to the masjid and praying in general is that people should wear their best clothes because we are going to meet Allah . Whenever somebody comes to visit and if you are in your night clothes then before going to open the door, you will make sure that you change your clothes. Just like that when we go in front of Allah  we should be well dressed. Allah  has taught this adab in the Quran, ّ َ ُْ َ ْ ُ ْ ‫خ ُذوا ز ين َتك عند ُك َم‬ ‫ِ ِ سج ٍد‬ ِ ِ “Make sure that you beautify yourself when you go to the masjid.” (7:31) This is the same when we pray at home. For example, for women praying at home, make sure you wear your best clothes. Make sure that you are in a state that is presentable. If it is a state that you cannot meet with any person then that is not the best state to pray in. Adab of Going to the Masjid & Praying in general For men it is more rewarding to go to the masjid (mosque) and for women it is better to pray at home. When we go to the masjid, the adab is that we go early, so that we can catch the first takbeer because it also has a lot of reward. It is also better if people go early then they can be in the first row.