Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 88

is that when they go and visit it, they disobey him at that place. He says ْ ْ ُ ْ ُ ٍ َْ ِ ‫َو َمن ُ ي� ْد ِفيه ِ ِإب�لاد ِبظل ن ِذق ُه ِمن‬ ٍ ِ َ ََ )22:25( �‫عذاب أ ِل ي‬ ٍ Ibn Kathir v says in his tafseer (exegesis of the Qur’an) ‫ إِلْحَاد‬means major sins. When Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Omar  used to go to hajj, he would take two tents. One he used to put within the boundaries of the Haram (sacred land) and the other he used to put outside the boundaries of the Haram. And if he had to correct somebody by scolding, he would take those people outside the boundaries of Haram into the other tent and then he would scold them there. Somebody asked him why do you do that, and he said it is extreme lack of adab that I use harsh words within the boundaries of the Haram. Abdullah Bin Masood  said, ‘In other places outside the Haram, if you make an intention of sinning then there is no punishment on you but in Haram when you make an intention of sinning then a bad thing is written for you for that intention’. Just like rewards are multiplied in the Haram, the intensity of sins is also multiplied in the Haram. Adab of Friday There are some adaab we should give to Friday, and one of the adaab is that we take a bath just like we take a bath of impurity, and we should put on the best clothes that are available to us and wear perfume. Then the men should head to the masjid (mosque) for the Friday prayer. One of the things that I specifically want to mention for the Friday prayer is that you do proper preparation to make dua (supplication) on Friday. Prophet