Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 37

That was when I realized that is was not fair on my part to expect a nine year old to not succumb to the pressure of her peers. I know that some parents would say that this is part of growing up and kids need to learn to deal with this kind of pressure and to make the right choice, but I just could not put her through that. That was the day I ended up in front of Shaykh Sahab asking for his advice about what was the best route to take. Alhamdulillah, due to the mashwarah of my Shaykh I have never looked back. It was one of the best decisions of my life. In homeschooling we are able to tailor the curriculum according to our needs. The children start each subject with the name of Allah , the Durood on the Prophet , and with duas (supplication) to increase their learning. Adaab (etiquettes) are stressed within the school environment and Alhamdulillah, due the children are encouraged to to the mashwarah follow the sunnah (the way of life of the Prophet ) in their of my Shaykh I eating, drinking and dressing, have never looked etc. We are able to incorporate a number of masnoon duas and back. It was one of it is a pleasure to see the child walk up to the bathroom door the best decisions of say the specific dua and step in my life. with the left foot. The children are able to memorize of the Quran during the school hours, as well as English, Math, Science, Art, Arabic Grammar, IT and Physical Exercise. As we have benefitted by the fruits of homeschooling, we have also had a number of challenges. It is sometimes hard to draw boundaries and as the kids think they are at home, it is a challenge to make them understand that it is not all play and no work. As the children range in age from 3 years to 10 years, they have to be taught how to take care of younger ones and how to respect the older ones. It is very interesting to see how the older ones help the younger children open their lunch boxes, or protect them in case of a fight.