Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 33

O my friends! Tears pour forth from her eyes, and her heart feels a melancholic remorse...her nose begins to run and pain and agony grow… Her head begins to ache, and her throat becomes sore. The nose becomes blocked and her voice becomes broken. As I sit there in my prison of grief, I marvel at how that accursed devil must be looking at me right now, laughing happily and in victory at my miserable defeat! Truly he got hold of my soul and crushed it! A spiritual claustrophobia overwhelms her and her heart begins to shrink. She raises her heavy hands towards the heavens and her spirit cries, Ya Rabiy al-Wadood! Make for my heart a home in Your Loving Hands. Ya Rabbiy ar-Rahman! Reject not this weak heart who seeks refuge in Your Protecting Hands. Ya Mawla! Ya Wali! Let not my heart become homeless and imprisoned within the clutches of shaytan... Nor let it become soiled with my own reckless hands... The rays of His mercy enter her heart and she lifts the stones of melancholy away from her smothered soul.