NIrV Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 7

Mark 3:19 l 1028
and James , son of Alphaeus . And there were Thaddaeus and Si mon the Zeal ot .
19 Ju das Is car i ot was one of them too . He was the one who was lat er going to hand Jesus over to his en e­ mies .
Jesus Is Accused by Teachers of the Law
20 Jesus entered a house . Again a crowd gath ered . It was so large that Jesus and his dis ci ples were not even able to eat . 21 His fam i ly heard about this . So they went to take charge of him . They said , “ He is out of his mind .”
22 Some teach ers of the law were there . They had come down from Je ru sa lem . They said , “ He is con trolled by Be el ze bul ! He is driv ing out de mons by the pow er of the prince of de mons .”
23 So Jesus called them over to him . He be gan to speak to them us ing sto ries . He said , “ How can Sa tan drive out Satan ? 24 If a king dom fights against it self , it can ’ t stand . 25 If a fam i ly is di vid ed , it can ’ t stand . 26 And if Sa tan fights against him self , and his help ers are di vid ed , he can ’ t stand . That is the end of him . 27 In fact , none of you can en ter a strong man ’ s house un less you tie him up first . Then you can steal things from his house . 28 What I ’ m about to tell you is true . Every one ’ s sins and evil words against God will be forgiven . 29 But whoever speaks evil things against the Holy Spir it will never be forgiven . Their guilt will last forever .”
30 Jesus said this be cause the teach ers of the law were say ing , “ He has an evil spirit .”
Jesus ’ Mother and Brothers
31 Jesus ’ moth er and broth ers came and stood out side . They sent some one in to get him . 32 A crowd was sitting around Jesus . They told him , “ Your moth er and your broth ers are out side . They are looking for you .”
33 “ Who is my moth er ? Who are my brothers ?” he asked .
34 Then Jesus looked at the peo ple sitting in a cir cle around him . He said , “ Here is my moth er ! Here are my broth ers ! 35 Any one who does what God wants is my broth er or sis ter or moth er .”
The Story of the Farmer


Again Jesus be gan to teach by the Sea of Galilee . The crowd that gathered around him was very large . So he got into a boat . He sat down in it out on the lake . All the peo ple were along the shore at the water ’ s edge . 2 He taught them many things us ing sto ries . In his teach ing he said , 3 “ Lis ten ! A farm er went out to plant his seed . 4 He scat tered the seed on the ground . Some fell on a path . Birds came and ate it up . 5 Some seed fell on rocky places , where there wasn ’ t much soil . The plants came up quick ly , be cause the soil wasn ’ t deep . 6 When the sun came up , it burned the plants . They dried up be cause they had no roots . 7 Oth er seed fell among thorns . The thorns grew up and crowd ed out the plants . So the plants did not bear grain . 8 Still oth er seed fell on good soil . It grew up and pro duced a crop 30 , 60 , or even 100 times more than the farm er planted .”
9 Then Jesus said , “ Who ev er has ears should listen .”
10 Later Jesus was alone . The 12 disciples asked him about the sto ries . So did the oth ers around him . 11 He told them , “ The se cret of God ’ s king dom has been given to you . But to outsiders everything is told us ing sto ries . 12 In that way ,
“ ‘ They will see but never know what they are seeing . They will hear but never understand . Otherwise they might turn and be forgiven !’ ” ( Isaiah 6:9,10 )
13 Then Jesus said to them , “ Don ’ t you understand this story ? Then how will you un der stand any sto ries of this kind ? 14 The seed the farm er plants is God ’ s message . 15 What is seed scat tered on a path like ? The mes sage is plant ed . The peo ple hear the mes sage . Then Sa tan comes . He takes away the mes sage that was plant ed in them . 16 And what is seed scat tered on rocky plac es like ? The peo ple hear the mes sage . At once they re ceive it with joy . 17 But they have no roots . So they last only a short time . They quick ly fall away from the faith when trouble or suffering comes be cause of the mes sage . 18 And what is seed scat tered among thorns like ? The peo ple hear the mes sage . 19 But then the wor ries of this life come to them . Wealth comes with its false promises . The peo­